Han Lu, Deputy Director of Department for European-Central Asian Studies, China Institute of International Studies
May 27, 2024
China and Russia have grown closer, but not just because they want to support one another in the face of Western pressure. Their relations have a long-standing momentum of their own. Guided by their heads of state, the comprehensive strategic partnership will only grow stronger.
Sebastian Contin Trillo-Figueroa, Geopolitics Analyst in EU-Asia Relations and AsiaGlobal Fellow, The University of Hong Kong
May 24, 2024
President Xi Jinping’s recent voyage to Europe is the best barometer for measuring the current state of China-EU relations. A swift evaluation reveals more unsettling signs than promising advancements.
Han Liqun, Researcher, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
May 23, 2024
The negative strategic narratives concocted by the United States to constrain China are increasingly taking on more offensive, instrumental and purposeful dimensions. They are slipping steadily toward more confrontational and perilous frameworks, much to the detriment of normalcy and peace.
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
May 23, 2024
The U.S. secretary of state’s visit to China epitomizes the challenge for the Biden administration in an election year. It seeks to stabilize relations with China but at the same time wants to flex its muscles. This poses a complex challenge for China as it interacts with the United States.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
May 17, 2024
The renewal of high-level Sino-U.S. exchanges along with the approaching American elections has intensified the U.S. debate about an optimal long-term strategy toward China.
Guan Guihai, Executive Vice President, Institute of International and Strategic Studies
May 17, 2024
The wisdom in China’s major-country diplomacy serves as a rudder in China-Russia relations. It is also the anchor that stabilizes relations with others, including the United States and European Union.
Xiao Bin, Deputy Secretary-general, Center for Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies, Chinese Association of Social Sciences
May 17, 2024
The international system seems unable to curb hegemonism and Cold War thinking, but China-Russia strategic coordination can mark a new path. As the two nations achieve win-win cooperation through the “five always” standard, the fundamental interests of the Chinese people will be served in the process.
Warwick Powell, Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Senior Fellow at Beijing Taihe Institute
May 17, 2024
President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Paris, Belgrade and Budapest illuminated the plight of the European project and exposed the weakness of the call by Josep Borrell, high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, for the EU to be treated as a geopolitical power in its own right.
Bian Qingzu, Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies
May 16, 2024
Although it’s still early, China is referenced heavily in political rhetoric and is a top target of candidates. Washington is suffused with an atmosphere geopolitical contention. Distorted images of China and emerging hawkish policies have undermined goodwill in bilateral relations. China needs to prepare for any outcome in November.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
May 10, 2024
When US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently visited Beijing in an effort to stabilize relations with China, many of the issues that he discussed with Chinese President Xi Jinping were highly contentious. For example, Blinken warned China against providing materials and technology to aid Russia in its war against Ukraine, and he objected to China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea and harassment of the Philippines (a United States ally). Other disputes concerned interpretations of America’s “one-China” policy toward Taiwan, and US trade and export controls on the flow of technology to China.