Tao Wenzhao, Honorary Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Fellow, CASS Institute of American Studies
Aug 27, 2014
When the US strategy of rebalancing was initiated, the US said that it did not target China. However, the new US-Australia military agreement is intended to check China’s rise, writes Tao Wenzhao.
George Yeo, Former foreign minister, Singapore
Aug 26, 2014
As tensions rise between the U.S. and China over China's islands dispute with Japan, American strategists have been thinking about how to accommodate China while at the same time standing behind their Japanese ally.
Stewart Taggart, Founder & Principal, Grenatec
Aug 26, 2014
Can a market-based plan for energy infrastructure provide peace and prosperity in the South China Sea? Stewart Taggart, a former financial journalist, examines recent tensions and describes how creating Joint Development Areas could boost cooperation and mutual trust.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Aug 26, 2014
The international and domestic crises that have occurred this past summer have jeopardized President Obama’s Asia-Pacific rebalance. The Ukrainian Crisis, the “Arab Spring”, and the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip are only some of the catastrophes that have led to dissatisfaction with the President’s foreign policy and possible victory for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Aug 21, 2014
The United States’ engagement policy toward China is a strategic step toward containing Beijing’s growing financial power and economic influence. However, with tension increasing between China and the United States, Carpenter heeds Washington to look for more sustainable engagement plans before advancing on what American scholars have coined “congagement”, in fear of erupting a larger Sino-American crisis.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Aug 15, 2014
After half a century of isolation, Myanmar’s seeks to sustain its reform momentum. It is a challenging balancing act amidst Chinese rebalancing and America’s pivot to Southeast Asia.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Aug 14, 2014
As the United States continues its push into the Asia-Pacific and furthers its pivot or rebalance to the region, Chen Xiangyang urges U.S. policymakers to rethink their China-focused pivot in light of recent international developments.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Aug 12, 2014
As the relationship between China and the United States remains the most important bilateral relationship in the world, Tom Watkins explores the way academic institutions and think tanks have shaped the Western perception of China.
Liu Junhong, Researcher, Chinese Institute of Contemporary Int'l Relations
Aug 08, 2014
Japan and the United States are competing for a dominant role in the Asia-Pacific, as the negotiations over the TPP ad the new Japan-US defense guidelines inflame tensions in the bilateral relationship, writes Liu Junhong.
Zhang Tuosheng, Principal Researcher at Grandview Institution, and Academic Committee Member of Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University
Aug 07, 2014
Threat perception is leading to a security crisis in East Asia. Zhang Tuosheng suggests six steps for reducing misperceptions and stemming the crisis.