Stewart Taggart
Founder & Principal, Grenatec
Jul 21, 2016
After the tribunal’s categorical ruling on the South China Sea, China’s new strategy could be to lower the temperature by reframing the issue away from rocks, sand and physical territory. It could then seek to reframe the issue around the potential multilateral benefits of China’s Maritime Silk Road concept.
Jun 14, 2016
China’s six-month old investment bank, the AIIB, has been at pains to portray itself as a new multilateral economic institution governed by written rules and not merely a foreign economic policy puppet of China. However, problems may arise as the South China Sea tribunal ruling nears the official AIIB coming-out party.
May 04, 2016
Roughly $10 trillion per year, or 12% of the global economy, is now in play fighting climate change. Properly invested in zero emission energy, transport and business infrastructure of tomorrow. Key to the success of a future clean energy economy will be liberalization of energy markets, which partially exists in the U.S. operation of nationwide natural gas distribution system. Critical reforms along these lines also are underway in China.
Apr 08, 2016
Actions in the South China Sea may sow mistrust with China’s neighbors, at the expense of China’s export-led infrastructure development growth. South China Sea Joint Development Areas, however, can enable China and Southeast Asia to reach a constructive, precedent-setting middle ground sidelining politics and focusing on mutually beneficial economics, like building a global electric grid.
Feb 22, 2016
Could the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) suffer collateral damage from China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea? In coming years, China must invest overseas to relieve growing internal economic imbalances and keep its populace employed to maintain political stability. This presents opportunities for borrowers and risks to China.
Nov 25, 2015
Manila’s just-completed Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) consisted of two parts. The official summit agreed on the need to fight terrorism, enhance economic growth, reduce poverty and increase climate change resiliency. Unofficially, the huge political gulf between the U.S. and China over the South China Sea was on display.
Nov 05, 2015
Could access to methane hydrates be behind China’s territorial aggressiveness in the South China Sea? Instead of saber-rattling, China to deploy its sophisticated technology backed by the deep pockets of its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to create ‘partnerships’ with the Philippines and Vietnam to develop these offshore resources
Jul 22, 2015
As the South China Sea’s most promising near-term developable gas field in the South China Sea, Sampaguita could offer a solution of cooperation, peace, and legitimacy to Chinese claims near the Philippines.
Jun 15, 2015
Could China’s export infrastructure drive be at risk from its actions in the South China Sea? To win overseas infrastructure contracts, China may have to choose between a trouble free ‘going out’ strategy, and an aggressive ‘island-building’ South China Sea policy.
May 28, 2015
South China Sea territorial claims — at least in Reed Bank — is really about energy. If all sides recast dangerous nationalistic posturing to more hard-headed economic calculation, it opens the way for more rational, mutual gain negotiations. These could center upon joint development of South China Sea resources. This, as an alternative to war.