Eric Farnsworth
Vice President, COA, Washington D.C. Office
Dec 03, 2019
Latin America is in an unprecedented period of unrest, the after-effects of which may make the region more open to foreign direct investment from China – even if it means compromising democratic values in favor of economic recovery.
Jan 28, 2019
The competition for Latin America is heating up. Washington and, increasingly, Beijing see the region as important for their strategic economic and political interests.
Mar 02, 2018
The United States did not push Latin America and the Caribbean into China’s arms, but by pulling back, it created space for others to fill. Now, it appears that the United States seeks a course correction.
Jan 08, 2018
U.S. policy-makers must recognize that the most productive path forward is not to maneuver into constant conflict with China but rather to concentrate on our own competitiveness, to restore a sense of national unity, and to re-emerge from the current political cycle as an example of an open market democracy that others are both willing and able to emulate.
Sep 08, 2017
The avowed purpose of this latest trip of the Mexican president, which occurred even as officials from the United States and Canada were in Mexico City conducting the second round of NAFTA negotiations, was to build further economic links with BRICS nations, in particular China. Arguably, however, the real if unstated purpose of Pena Nieto’s visit to China while NAFTA negotiations were in progress in his own country was to show Mexico’s ability to diversify its economic relations beyond the United States.
Jun 26, 2017
The United States, China, and other nations are now faced with the decision as whether they will work together to put Venezuela on a more sustainable political and economic course. At some point soon, Beijing will have to determine whether China stands a better chance of realizing its fundamental interests by supporting Maduro or by working with the international community to press for change.
Mar 01, 2017
The people of Ecuador will be choosing the fundamental direction of their nation on April 2, and they have a distinct choice. And the choice they make will also impact Ecuador’s relations with its neighbors and also international partners including China and the United States.
Dec 22, 2016
China’s entry into Latin America since the beginning of the century has altered regional dynamics, providing opportunities for Latin American and Caribbean nations to diversify beyond a traditional reliance on the U.S. market. As the United States pulls up hemispheric stakes on trade, China is already positioning itself to rush in.
Sep 20, 2016
Prime Minister Trudeau must introduce greater balance into Canada’s international trade profile in order to diversify from an overwhelming reliance on the United States and towards a bilateral relationship that will ensure trade growth with China, Canada’s second largest trade partner.
Jul 29, 2016
In the run-up to Rio, the next three Olympic hosts, all Asian nations, must understand the broader implications and global expectations that come with hosting this event. The Olympics may have grown too weighed down by excessive external baggage to be sustainable in their current form, something that will have to be taken into account moving forward.