Tao Wenzhao
Honorary Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Fellow, CASS Institute of American Studies
Dec 24, 2024
There are no winners in war — either shooting wars or technology wars. The scope of the new agreement between China and the United States is narrower after revisions, yet it’s still good for both sides because it preserves contacts and exchanges at many levels.
Mar 15, 2023
The U.S. and many of its allies rely heavily on the Chinese economy. Decoupling is not realistic and would only lead to long-term economic decline. On its current path — which is nothing if not clumsy — the Biden administration is only hurting the American people.
Nov 18, 2022
The warm smiles of presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden as they shook hands in Bali showed that the two countries are not intractable rivals. They may never be free of competition and struggle, but by using the meeting as a compass they can achieve good things for themselves and the world.
Aug 09, 2022
Pushing shamelessness and political amnesia to new heights, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sneaked into Taiwan in early August for a visit that was a needless affront. Needlessly inflaming tensions, the trip was wrong at three levels: China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, relations with the United States and principles of international order anchored by the 1943 Cairo Declaration and the 1945 Potsdam Proclamation.
May 30, 2022
The IPEF as yet has no real content, so people are understandably mystified. America wants to drive a wedge between regional countries and China. But this won’t work, as China is already embedded. Supply chains will not be altered on a whim.
Jan 24, 2022
On the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Communique regarding Taiwan, it’s clear the United States has begun playing a dangerous game, modifying its discourse. It should be cautious.
Nov 05, 2021
Worries by the United States that China will take over its leadership role are based on a serious strategic misunderstanding. The road ahead for the international power structure as it shifts to a multipolar pattern may be long and difficult, but the prospects are promising.
Aug 18, 2021
The United States has been unsuccessful in its attempts to rally Southeast Asia against China. In recent months, it has mounted a transparent effort to curry favor in the region. But nobody wants to choose between major trading powers. They’d rather keep their options open.
Apr 18, 2021
Eminent scholar on East Asia, who played an early role in laying the groundwork for reconciliation between China and the United States, died in December at age 90. But the ideas expounded in his writings continue to foster understanding.
Mar 25, 2021
China-U.S. relations will not continue down the path of the Trump regime, nor will they return to the ways of Obama. Instead, the relationship will enter a long-term phase of competitive co-existence characterized by mutual dependence, where common interests will present opportunities for collaboration.