Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College
Jun 27, 2014
In light of President Obama’s commencement speech at West Point, Minxin Pei analyzes and discusses various facets of the talk. Specifically, Pei points to four themes in President Obama’s speech as particularly poignant, and spends the bulk of the essay discussing them.
Curtis S. Chin, Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank
Jun 26, 2014
Given recent territorial moves by China, as well as heightened aggressive rhetoric, Curtis Chin analyzes the parallels between China currently and Japan as it existed in the past. Additionally, Chin asserts that the world’s powers should work to lower tensions so that peace and prosperity can exist in the Asia-Pacific region.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Jun 26, 2014
Given China’s participation in the 2014 RIMPAC exercises, Doug Bandow analyzes and discusses the benefits of such inclusion. Additionally, Bandow examines how the RIMPAC exercises show that China can and should be enticed into involvement and cooperation with Western nations.
Stephen Harner, Former US State Department Official
Jun 24, 2014
Given the ‘pivot to Asia’ policy that has been executed by the Obama administration, Stephen Harner discusses its various negative implications. In addition to his assessment of the policy’s shortcomings, Harner also asserts that the Obama administration needs to reverse entirely this ‘pivot to Asia’ policy. Such a policy reversal, according to Harner, would create stability in Asia.
Zhao Weibin, Researcher, PLA Academy of Military Science
Jun 19, 2014
Using the sci-fi film, Pacific Rim, as a backdrop, Zhao Weibin compares cooperation between the United States and China to that of the connection shared between the pilots of the machines designed to fight Kaijus. Weibin argues that there are many issues that China and the U.S. can work to solve mutually through RIMPAC 2014.
Zhou Shixin, Research Fellow, Shanghai Institutes for Int'l Studies
Jun 12, 2014
Is the U.S. turning the World Trade Organization into an “empty house”? Zhou Shijian answers this question as he analyzes the current progress of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and U.S. trade with the Asia-Pacific.
Chen Jimin, Guest Researcher, Center for Peace and Development Studies, China Association for International Friendly Contact
Jun 10, 2014
Chen Jimin uses President Obama’s West Point commencement speech to serve as the springboard for a discussion about the structural dilemmas the United States faces with regard to its foreign policy. According to Jimin, there exist four structural difficulties, and dedicates the bulk of his essay to fleshing them out.
Mel Gurtov, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Portland State University
Jun 09, 2014
In light of President Obama’s address at West Point, Mel Gurtov discusses various aspect of the speech and analyzes its implications on U.S. foreign policy.
Stephen Harner, Former US State Department Official
Jun 07, 2014
Two recent foreign policy actions by the United States set a dangerous tone for the Obama administration’s strategy in the Asia-Pacific and threaten the stability of Sino-U.S. relations, warns Stephen Harner.
Chen Yonglong, Director of Center of American Studies, China Foundation for International Studies
Jun 06, 2014
Chen Yonglong warns that the United States’ obsession with Cold War power-play scenarios could lead to a dangerous backlash by Russia, China and other regional powers as Beijing and Moscow enter a new strategic partnership.