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  • He Yafei, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Dec 30, 2016

    The contrast between a collapsing neo-liberalism of the west and the much-welcomed new development model espoused and practiced by China is not to be missed.

  • Li Bin, Professor, Tsinghua University

    Dec 29, 2016

    For China, Trump’s sleight of hand through pushing for a new round of nuclear arms race is nothing but a distraction. What China needs most now is to mend its own business well per its own plan.

  • Steven Stashwick , Independent writer and researcher

    Dec 22, 2016

    Given the apparently low intelligence value of the recently seized U.S. UUV, China may have intended the seizure primarily as a provocation or warning. Though the vessels involved held a low-risk of escalation, the legal precedent is more significant: last Thursday’s incident occurred approximately 50 nautical miles northwest of Subic Bay, nowhere near sensitive Chinese military facilities, and in waters that China has not claimed any jurisdiction over.

  • Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University

    Dec 19, 2016

    If the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) accepted Turkey as a member state, that could serve to improve the NATO-Russian relationship, further promote SCO economic integration, and add strength in counteracting terrorism, separatism and extremism, the primary goals of SCO. Russian suspicions of Turkey, however, pose one of several challenges to the idea.

  • Brahma Chellaney, Professor, Center for Policy Research

    Dec 16, 2016

    Recent developments are highlighting how competition over shared water resources is a major contributory factor to the growing geopolitical discord in Asia. China’s “territorial grab” in the South China Sea has been accompanied by a quieter “freshwater grab” in transnational river basins. Reengineering trans-boundary water flows is integral to China’s strategy to employ power, control, influence, and fashion a strongly Sino-centric Asia. The upsurge of resource and territorial disputes has underscored the looming dangers. Various developments indeed are highlighting the linkage between water and peace.

  • Wu Sike, Member on Foreign Affairs Committee, CPPCC

    Dec 14, 2016

    War displaces people and breeds refugee crises. For the Middle East, which has long been plagued by continuing violence and conflicts, it is urgent to end the wars and safeguard the peace. China-US cooperation can play an important role to facilitate post-war reconstruction and create a survivable environment for local residents, so that violence and conflict will not occur again.

  • Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

    Nov 23, 2016

    Despite Donald Trump’s potentially passive attitude toward international governance and international cooperation, China and the US need collaboration in cyberspace. The threats and potential risks in cyberspace brook no footdragging, they are clear and present dangers. China-US cooperation in cyberspace not only helps all of humanity share Internet dividends, but it is also in both countries’ fundamental interest.

  • He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences

    Oct 28, 2016

    Both Russian and the West have lost face in this typical lose-lose situation. Moscow and Washington need to rebuild trust, reactivate the process of political resolution and produce a single draft resolution based on full consultation and the most expansive common ground among all parties.

  • Joan Johnson-Freese, Professor, US Naval War College

    Oct 25, 2016

    The article details the history and hopeful future of the Chinese Space Program which will likely soon include a manned lunar mission. The program overall has, to some degree, emulated the step-by-step approach of the Apollo program; but, key differences, partnerships, and planning have shaped the slow growing but ultimately successful program. The Chinese space community learned a great deal from Apollo, including how not to get politically backed into in a corner as the U.S. did in its Cold War quest to “beat the Russians” in space.

  • Franz-Stefan Gady, Associate Editor, Diplomat

    Oct 25, 2016

    While U.S. China relations regarding cyber security have improved over recent years, there are still large areas of distrust and room for improved communication. Namely, there are critical points regarding the 2015 agreement that are still evolving in the 2015 cyber attack agreement between the U.S. and China. Although cyber attacks have not decreased, promising diplomatic initiatives and areas of discussion have been opened.

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