Zhou Bo
Senior Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
Dec 14, 2022
China has not taken sides over the Russia-Ukraine conflict for good reason. It is Russia’s strategic partner and Ukraine’s largest trading partner. At the same time, China and the West are not enemies. We must coexist despite our differences.
Feb 03, 2020
Scholars speak of the old Chinese idea of wangdao — an enlightened and benevolent power. But this does not require China to become a new hegemon that someday replaces the United States. China can help the world by earning the trust of others.
Oct 21, 2019
As China’s military role around the world undergoes transformation, respect for the People’s Liberation Army is well-placed as it enters the spotlight with confidence.
Mar 14, 2019
The liberal international order is not falling apart. However, one must also ask what exactly the “liberal international order” is.
Nov 22, 2018
Withdrawing from the INF and pursuing an arms race will gain the US neither friends nor security.
Oct 03, 2018
The only result of American sanctions against China is to drive it closer towards Russia than ever.
Jul 04, 2018
Despite Mattis’ harsh criticism of China at the Shangri-La Dialogue, he was careful enough to strike a balance. He said that the U.S. would continue to pursue a constructive results-oriented relationship with China and to cooperate wherever possible. He even recognized the “Indo-Pacific” order which, widely taken as a thinly-veiled strategy against China, has a role for China.
Mar 26, 2018
The Trump-Kim summit is a beginning, but there’s no telling how it’ll end.
Dec 06, 2017
Trump has articulated a vision for the Indo-Pacific. Has he thought it through?
Sep 15, 2017
The US is spending naval resources it can ill-afford patrolling the Western Pacific. These patrols serve no useful purpose and only raise the risk of conflict with the Chinese Navy.