Jonathan Chanis, Managing Member, New Tide Asset Management
Sep 24, 2012
When reading about China – U.S. relations or talking with Chinese interlocutors, the common refrain is that China and the U.S. can resolve their differences and overcome the trust deficit. Unfortunately, this is counterproductive because it undermines efforts to find near-term solutions to urgent problems.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Sep 20, 2012
As the House Intelligence Committee continues its investigation into China-based telecom companies over alleged security threats; Dr. Dan Steinbock examines the barriers companies like Huawei face when entering US markets.
Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Int'l & Strategic Studies, CIIS
Sep 17, 2012
US should clarify its policy intention over the Diaoyu Islands and it is unwise for Japan to continue to partially interpret the US policy and over-rely on the US support for occupying the territory which it has no rights to claim.
Joshua Keating, Associate Editor, Foreign Policy
Sep 15, 2012
The dispute over the Diaoyu Islands recently reignited following Japan’s decision to purchase the contested islands. This issue will only become more complicated given the history of US involvement in the fate of the Diaoyu Islands.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Sep 15, 2012
As the US Presidential election races towards a conclusion, both candidates have intensified their “China-bashing” in recent weeks. Doug Bandow warns that regardless of whoever wins, the incoming President will need to drastically scale back the inflammatory rhetoric upon assuming office or risk long-term damage to the China-US relationship.
Bill French, a policy analyst at the National Security Network
Sep 13, 2012
With the US Party Conventions over, one Party’s platform in particular stood out as particularly detrimental to US-China relations. While it is now clear the hardliners within the Republican Party control its China policy, what is less apparent is whether or not Republicans have thought through the full ramifications of their confrontational positions towards China.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Sep 12, 2012
Despite the international attention given to China’s recent loans to Venezuela, such actions are consistent with China’s overall policy of seeking new opportunities for its own economic development. China walks a fine line between development trade relations with Latin American countries while trying not to alarm the United States.
He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences
Sep 12, 2012
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi visited China in late August before his scheduled visit to the US in late September. China was Morsi's first official trip
Cai Penghong, Senior Fellow, SIIS
Sep 11, 2012
Unique among much of Asia, the South Pacific has never attracted the degree of international attention it is currently receiving. With several major powers only now moving in, there is an opportunity to experiment with new regional structures that can ensure peace, stability, and economic development reign in the region.
Liu Jiangyong, Vice Director, Tsinghua University
Sep 10, 2012
Recent actions by Japan and the United States risk enflaming an already tense situation surrounding the Diaoyu Islands. Given historical documentation and legal authority derived from international law, China’s claim to the Diaoyu Islands must be respected.