Scott Silverstone, Professor, US Military Academy at West Point
Oct 10, 2012
From a scholarly perspective, the rise of China and the resulting “power shift” that has accompanied this rise has provided a host of teachable moments. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the ongoing territorial disputes in the East China Sea.
Oct 06, 2012
As the U.S.-China relationship continues to grow, in size and complexity, what are the implications of this once-in-a-decade leadership transition, especially for bilateral interaction? Dr. Henry A. Kissinger is joined by former Ambassador to China J. Stapleton Roy, former Fellow Dr. Cheng Li, and China scholar Dr. David M. Lampton to discuss the possible implications for U.S.-China relations of this once-in-a-decade power transition.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Oct 06, 2012
The surge of tensions between China and Japan has gained considerable attention worldwide. However, many observers were caught off guard when Taiwan exercised their territorial claims by sending a flotilla of fishing boats to the disputed islands.
Wu Zhenglong, Senior Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies
Oct 06, 2012
Despite the US’ claims to impartiality in the territorial disputes in the South and East China Seas, it has made its preference very clear - entirely at the expense of China. US involvement in the region stands at the crossroads, with the current US course destined to only bring increased tension.
Shi Yinhong, Professor, Renmin University
Oct 05, 2012
Shi Yinhong considers the role that China should play as a global strategic power and considers the implications of China’s future development for China-US relations.
Paul Smith, Professor, US Naval War College
Oct 04, 2012
The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands have once again become a source of regional tension, with worrying signs that the status quo is no longer tenable. Before the US becomes more involved in the dispute however, it is important that Americans understand their own tangled history with these small islands.
Qi Chu, Research Fellow, China Institute of Int'l Studies
Sep 29, 2012
China has made a strong claim for the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands, whereas Japan says the islands belong to it. To whom do the islands belong? Let's evalu
John Henzel, Commentary Editor, WSOU 89.5
Sep 28, 2012
Escalating tensions in the maritime dispute between China and Japan force an unwanted dilemma on Washington, and exasperated objections to squabbling over a fe
Zhao Xiaozhuo, Deputy director, PLA Academy of Military Science
Sep 27, 2012
The US views China as a key to developing a peaceful, prosperous, and secure Asia-Pacific in the 21st century, therefore, building a healthy, stable, reliable, and continuous military-to-military relationship with China is of great significance.
Stephen Walt, Professor, Harvard University
Sep 26, 2012
A week after Japan’s purchase of disputed islands in the East China Sea from a private owner, Stephen Walt explored the nationalist tensions behind the purchase and how China could defuse the dispute by simply purchasing the islands as a matter of business.