Colin Moreshead
Freelance Writer
Aug 21, 2018
ASEAN nations are seeking clarity on who makes the best ally in the Indo-Pacific: China or the United States.
Jun 13, 2018
The U.S. military has renamed its Pacific Command, introducing the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) to the world. But is this a simple name change or a more significant gesture that could signal changes in the Indian-Pacific alliance structure?
Apr 09, 2018
As RAND points out, government subsidization of aircraft manufacturers is a conflict between Boeing and Airbus that the U.S. and E.U. have yet to resolve. If they do not establish norms now, there will be little recourse against generous Chinese governmental support of its aerospace industry in the coming years.
Jan 03, 2018
The People’s Liberation Army Air Force had an eventful year in 2017. The takeaway from 2017 is that while current exercises reveal PLAAF limitations and underscore China’s need for a regional alliance, progress has been made and will continue over the coming years.
Nov 21, 2017
Chinese Americans are a largely untapped, the Center for American Progress estimates that in less than one generation, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) voters will constitute fully one-tenth of the electorate. That proportion will be large enough to sway elections.
Aug 16, 2017
As the North Korean regime conducts more advanced missile testing and the U.S. and its allies ramp up rhetoric and weaponry, China must steer all parties toward peace. By focusing on achieving non-proliferation and regional stability, Xi Jinping’s nation can lead the Asian Pacific away from the brink of war.
Jun 20, 2017
It is not ideology that Beijing should count on, then, but incompetence. With TPP and the Paris Agreement, the Trump White House has been driven by rank opportunism – not in pursuit of a coherent set of policy goals, but rather to claim alpha status by the simplest means available.
May 05, 2017
Currently, there is no sufficient distinction in international law or norms to be made between simple system breaches and more malicious actions that damage or destroy systems, and that will almost certainly become necessary for the United States and China alike.
Mar 31, 2017
President Xi has expressed a desire to uphold and develop the world order. President Xi has expressed a desire to uphold and develop the world order. If Xi is up to the challenge and prevents a breakdown in global trade, China will have will have saved more than its own skin.
Mar 02, 2017
The first month of Trump’s presidency has been a useful primer for Chinese officials, albeit an unpleasant one. China was certainly watching the Trump-Abe meeting for cues on how the new president conducts himself with foreign leaders.