Ruan Zongze
VP, China Institute of Int'l Studies
Apr 11, 2018
The situation on the Korean Peninsula is in such flux that people are struggling to keep up with it. On 8 March, President Trump made the decision to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un almost immediately after hearing the briefing of the South Korean special envoy’s delegation. Though details, like when and where remain undecided, the message is unmistakably clear—a meeting is a positive step and it is better sooner than later.
Dec 24, 2013
The China-US relationship is, by all accounts, the decisive factor that will shape the future of the Asia-Pacific region and the world. It faces both opportunities and challenges in 2014. A stronger sense of shared responsibilities will put the new model of relations that both sides desire on a more solid footing, writes, Ruan Zongze.
Jun 04, 2013
As the two Presidents of China and the United States prepare to meet, Ruan Zongze writes that a co-operative Sino-US relationship will help the world advance towards a better future; on the contrary, their confrontation will lead to global retrogression.
May 07, 2013
ASEAN must stop its members from fanning trouble to ensure ties between China and Southeast Asian countries prosper.
Nov 14, 2012
A good beginning, a smooth transition, free from interruption, and a joint effort to tie a win-win knot between these two big powers and secure a plain sailing throughout the Pacific era is the key for a new course of Sino-US relations.
Mar 16, 2012
In recent years, the West's "neo-interventionism" under the banner of "responsibility to protect" has caused tremendous controversy in the international are