Su Jingxiang, Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations
Oct 10, 2019
By all appearances, the goal of anti-China hawks is to suppress the country’s rise and gain flexibility to interfere around the globe. But decoupling will only create a political and economic crisis.
He Yafei, Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Oct 10, 2019
A tragic sensibility after the experience of two world wars compelled the United States to establish a new international order backed by American power. After decades of relative peace and prosperity, however, this sensibility is waning – as the United States demonstrates a lack of collective will to maintain its position on the global stage. As China increasingly assumes the position of a world power, it must maintain its tragic sensibility and awareness of crisis.
An Gang, Adjunct Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
Oct 09, 2019
As U.S. policy has grown increasingly aggressive, China’s posture has shifted, with long-term effects.
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
Sep 30, 2019
In a fluid negotiating environment where some issues cannot be solved through a trade deal, an interim agreement may be best for both sides. Washington should consider the idea carefully.
Neil Bush, Founder and Chairman, George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations
Oct 08, 2019
The growing anti-China sentiment in the United States is counterproductive to the trade relationship between the two countries. Americans must understand that this bilateral trade relationship is, in fact, beneficial to both nations.
Vali Nasr, Professor of International Politics, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
Sep 27, 2019
China and the United States find themselves in a situation that is gradually souring, but the current US strategy towards China is not exclusively a Trumpian one.
David Firestein, President, George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations
Sep 26, 2019
This is no ordinary time in US-China relations. While President Trump lacks consistency, predictability, factuality on many areas in the US-China relationship, there is still a major lack of reciprocity in the US-China trade relationship. Even so, there still exists a viable pathway to a US-China relationship that is mutually beneficial and politically sustainable.
Dong Chunling, Deputy Director, Office of the Center for the Study of a Holistic View of National Security, CICIR
Sep 25, 2019
A divide is growing between veteran U.S. China policy experts and a new generation that display a far more hawkish approach. This is the result of shifts in both domestic and global contexts. Researchers can play an important diplomatic role in enhancing mutual understanding and thereby reducing tensions.
Chas Freeman, Senior Fellow, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Sep 25, 2019
The future of Sino-American relations does not look bright from the way that America is currently approaching its disputes with China. In order to promote global peace and prosperity, China, the U.S., and the rest of the world must set aside ideological differences and focus on resolving shared issues and concerns.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Sep 18, 2019
High pressure from the United States hurts, but it won’t work in the long run. China doesn’t want the dispute to continue because there’s no good reason to damage two major economies and the world.