Cui Tiankai
China’s ambassador to the United States
Sep 18, 2020
There is a clear continuity and consistency in China's policy toward the United States.
May 07, 2020
The "always blame China" mentality hurts global response to COVID-19.
Apr 06, 2020
Let’s acknowledge there has been unpleasant talk between our nations about this disease. But this is not the time for finger-pointing.
Feb 03, 2020
China's top diplomat in Washington poses three fundamental questions for the United States as it faces China's rise.
Jan 21, 2020
"...the most important thing behind this agreement is the underlying principle of solving any problems between us through dialogue and consultation on the basis of equality and mutual respect."
Dec 30, 2019
“We will always implement what we promised. There is no problem with that.”
May 22, 2019
Chinese ambassador to US calls accusations against Huawei 'groundless,' says door is still open on trade talks
Jan 10, 2019
China will continue to work with the United States to build a strong and stable relationship between us.
Sep 03, 2018
China's top diplomat in Washington D.C. urged the U.S. to give up the illusion China will accept another Plaza Accord.
Apr 23, 2018
These are the obstacles in the way of global development.