He Yafei
Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
May 24, 2022
In cyberspace order and governance, China is a global leader. It’s capacity continues to improve, and it has a major role to play in working toward a more peaceful, secure, open and cooperative digital future.
Oct 18, 2021
True multilateralism, as reflected in the UN Charter, is the foundation of a functional world order, which in turn yields peace and prosperity. The future is not necessarily gloomy, so long as nations, which face daunting challenges, can work together in a spirit of harmony.
Jun 30, 2021
Cooperation on this important issue will pave the way for joint efforts to overcome other global challenges. The wholehearted cooperation of China and the United States is essential for the success of any effort to solve global challenges. It is time for concerted action, not squabbling.
Jun 21, 2021
China, the United States and India have different strategic goals and so their interests conflict — so much so that strategic suspicion has fostered a negative kind of competition in which the other side is labeled as a primary rival. Of course there is a way to break the impasse. But it boils down to whether the parties really want to.
Feb 26, 2021
The period of transition amid centennial changes is full of risks and crises. Great changes call for great wisdom and initiative. The world needs to be reevaluated. The path forward needs to be reconsidered.
Dec 21, 2020
A strong framework needs to be built in which China and the United States can operate together with little ambiguity. The two countries are currently positioned to benefit the world, if only they are willing to seize the moment.
Nov 30, 2020
“Chimerica” is not workable. At the end of the day, China and the United States need to strengthen trust and cooperation incrementally while upholding multilateralism and eliminating conventional and nonconventional threats.
Oct 08, 2020
Painful lessons have been learned worldwide, and they should not be squandered. It’s time to rebuild a global health system that will work in the crises yet to come.
Jun 10, 2020
The outbreak of the coronavirus has changed some fundamental things in the world order. Post-pandemic global governance will likely feature significant fragmentation. And it could unfold in a variety of ways.
Apr 07, 2020
The shock of the combined global public health, economic and financial crises has far exceeded that of the world financial crisis in 2008 its subsequent economi