Xu Shiquan, Vice Chairman, National Society of Taiwan Studies, SIIS
Sep 13, 2013
While unrealistic to expect the United State to suspend its arms sales to Taiwan, Liu suggests that the US and Chinese defense chiefs agree to build “a sustained, substantive military to military relationship” to bolster ties between the world’s two biggest economies.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Aug 24, 2013
The four-day visit by the Chinese Defense Minster to the United States was another strong example of the growing ties between the US and China. The visit, which focused on future military-to-military ties, established further planning for exercises and communications in the coming year, and was deemed positive by both sides.
Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
Aug 09, 2013
At the Sunnyland summit, Chinese president Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama pledged to establish a “new type of relationship between the major powers” and to upgrade the military relationship to a new level, writes Zhou Bo.
Aug 08, 2013
The implementation of the United States’ pivot to Asia continues to ratchet up tensions between the US and China. In order to avoid a destabilizing arms race and facilitate crisis management, David Gompert and Terrence Kelly provide two solutions.
Chen Ping, Deputy managing editor, Global Times
Jul 25, 2013
Six decades after the Korean War (1950-53) was ended by the signing of an armistice agreement, the two Koreas are still technically at war. The fragile truce, signed on July 27, 1953, has contributed to the volatility and hostility seen on the Korean Peninsula today.
Joan Johnson-Freese, Professor, US Naval War College
Jul 12, 2013
Since 2007, China's anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons program has grown substantially, including several highly protested tests and launches from. While many countries have developed ASAT weapons, it has been far more difficult to establish an internationally accepted set of rules to govern the use of these systems.
Yoon Young-kwan, Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Seoul National University
Jul 10, 2013
The time has come for China to rebalance its traditional geostrategic interests with its new role as a global leader – and that means adopting a policy of disciplined engagement toward North Korea. Only then will an internationally coordinated response to the North's nuclear ambitions be possible.
Zhao Weibin, Researcher, PLA Academy of Military Science
Jun 26, 2013
The rapidly developing Chinese space program contains several misconceptions including China is looking to extend military power, China is weaponizing space and that Chinese space activity is a threat to the US. As Zhao Weibin explains, China, has only peaceful space goals.
Yao Yunzhu, Retired Major General, Chinese People’s Liberation Army
Jun 19, 2013
China and the United States both have termed last week’s summit between presidents Xi Jinping and Barack Obama at Sunnylands, California, as a great success. Among the wide range of issues discussed by the two leaders was Sino-US military relationship.