Yao Yunzhu
Retired Major General, Chinese People’s Liberation Army
Apr 06, 2021
There’s a long list of worthwhile possibilities in the military and security fields, and it’s of utmost importance that the two countries engage with one another. The result of failure could be catastrophic.
Aug 31, 2018
China is being redefined in the U.S., by the president, by Congress, and by the American people themselves.
Jul 31, 2017
The standoff between Chinese and Indian soldiers on a remote Himalayan plateau entered well into its 2nd month. The Chinese foreign ministry spokesmen delivered one strong wording statement after another, calling for the withdrawal of the Indian troops and warning against miscalculations and unrealistic illusions of the Indian side.
Jun 12, 2017
The Asia Pacific policy statement had all the core ingredients of the Obama administration, even though labels such as “rebalance” and “pivot to Asia” were missing. While the sense of continuity was reassuring, if the region is looking for creative and new approaches to maintain regional peace and stability, it must have been disappointed.
Jan 27, 2017
If a military blockade is implemented to deny China the access to the South China Sea islands it occupies, it means an invasion against Chinese territory, retired Chinese major general Yao Yunzhu argues.
Sep 12, 2016
The China-US military relationship goes beyond its traditional bilateral boundary, and moves into regional and even global arenas. With the Chinese military extending its global reach, it finds more occasions to cooperate with its US counterpart, despite new frictions arising from China’s bilateral disputes with its neighbors, some of whom are U.S. allies. Crisis-prevention management and confidence-building measures have become important new elements in the relationship, crucial stabilizers even in the worst circumstances.
Jun 19, 2013
China and the United States both have termed last week’s summit between presidents Xi Jinping and Barack Obama at Sunnylands, California, as a great success. Among the wide range of issues discussed by the two leaders was Sino-US military relationship.
Apr 22, 2013
For nearly half a century, China’s No-First-Use pledge has served as the cornerstone of its nuclear policy, writes Major General Yao Yunzhu. It is better for China to uphold its NFU policy, rather than discredit such a commitment.
Sep 07, 2012
The Asia-Pacific region is very dynamic and fast changing, not only in economic terms but also in security terms. Three recent developments will have profound implication on regional security.
Feb 14, 2011
The Obama administration’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) makes some encouraging changes. The reorientation of threat perception provides the basis for further n