Lu Jinghua, Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science
Aug 29, 2012
By clearing choosing Japan over China in the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands dispute, the US risks increasing the likelihood of confrontation in the Asia Pacific region instead of negating it. These actions run counter to America’s stated goal of improving strategic trust between the US and China.
Chen Zhou, Director, Academy of Military Sciences of China
Aug 24, 2012
From the end of the last century to the beginning of this century, the United States has insisted on developing a national missile defense system and seceded fr
Zhao Xiaozhuo, Deputy director, PLA Academy of Military Science
Aug 20, 2012
Conflicting signals sent by the US regarding the South China Sea territorial disputes have served to heighten distrust between the US and China ahead of Defense Secretary Panetta’s upcoming visit to China. Although unlikely to produce concrete results, these high level visits serve to clarify intentions and alleviate strategic distrust between China and the US.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Aug 13, 2012
China’s involvement in South America has increased rapidly in the past decade, with the PRC playing a substantial role in shaping South America’s socioeconomic development.
He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences
Aug 06, 2012
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now paying her 11-day visit to sub-Saharan Africa including Senegal, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi and South Afric
David Shinn, Adjunct Professor, George Washington University
Jul 12, 2012
Africa is not in the backyard of China or the United States; it is effectively neutral territory for competition and cooperation. There are more areas for cooperation than either country has taken advantage of so far. It is important that African countries understand this fact so that they encourage more collaborative efforts.
May 02, 2012
This month’s maritime standoff between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea isn’t the first time the region’s navies have gone toe-to-toe. But wh
James Holmes, Professor, US Naval War College
Apr 13, 2012
The Washington-based Brookings Institution recently warned that America and China have come to view their relationship in adversarial, “zero-sum” terms. If so
Mar 29, 2012
Each year when China’s top legislature and advisory body meet in their annual sessions in Beijing, China’s military spending will never be missed by the Weste
Li Yan, Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Mar 19, 2012
There has been much discussion in the U.S. recently about Chinese activities in the global commons, the areas of outer space, cyberspace, airspace and the seas.