Zainab Zaheer, Development Consultant
Mar 13, 2020
In the midst of the new coronavirus, the world has much to lose from slowed production, closed borders and factories, and less trade.
James H. Nolt, Adjunct Professor at New York University
Mar 13, 2020
COVID-19 bodes ill not only for the global economy, but for Donald Trump’s re-election and U.S.-China relations at large.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Mar 03, 2020
Cooperation is required if supply chain security is to be assured in the face of a worldwide health threat. No country can afford to be an outsider. Attempts by some to go it alone pose a huge challenge to the spirit needed to resolve the problem.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Feb 28, 2020
The world economy has clearly caught a cold. The outbreak of COVID-19 came at a particularly vulnerable point in the global business cycle. World output expanded by just 2.9% in 2019 – the slowest pace since the 2008-09 global financial crisis and just 0.4 percentage points above the 2.5% threshold typically associated with global recession.
Ben Reynolds, Writer and Foreign Policy Analyst in New York
Feb 21, 2020
In addition to the devastating human toll of the coronavirus outbreak, the economic damage of a manufacturing shutdown in China is likely to be profound.
Yu Yongding, Former President, China Society of World Economics
Feb 18, 2020
The coronavirus outbreak that began in the Chinese city of Wuhan has spread across the country and beyond its borders, leaving governments at all levels in China scrambling to limit further person-to-person transmission of the virus, now known as COVID-19.
Miao Yanliang, a member of the China Finance 40
Jan 21, 2020
Low interest rates – both nominal and real – have been a persistent feature of advanced economies since the 1980s. How long, many now wonder, can the trend last?
Yuan Peng, Vice President, Chinese Institute of Contemporary International Relations
Jan 13, 2020
At the start of a new decade, it’s useful to review the state of the world and the forces that will shape the future. Though success won’t come easily, China is set to emerge as one of the greatest forces for good in history.
Sourabh Gupta, Senior Fellow, Institute for China-America Studies
Dec 11, 2019
The Trump administration has demonstrated a lack of a respect for international trade law throughout the US-China trade dispute. Now, organizations like the WTO will suffer at the hand of Trump’s prioritization of his ‘America First’ policies.
Wu Zurong, Research Fellow, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
Nov 20, 2019
A large-scale U.S. decoupling from China cannot succeed because the global landscape of trade is complex and unable to respond to sudden shock. Relations are destined to get better, despite temporary setbacks.