Franz-Stefan Gady, Associate Editor, Diplomat
May 03, 2014
In light of recent NSA leaks and increasing tensions between China and the US regarding cyberspace, the United States has taken a more direct approach in outlining or even disarming some of their cyber capabilities. Ultimately, US officials hope that these measures will assuage China’s fears, as well as entice them to reveal their capabilities to create a stable cyber-space.
Franz-Stefan Gady, Associate Editor, Diplomat
Apr 24, 2014
Cyber-Realpolitik is behind China’s push for closer ties with the European Union on cybersecurity.
Apr 10, 2014
The United States, the world’s cyber power, and China, the emerging cyber power have convergent and divergent views on many cyber related issues that many times leads to conflict between the two. In the future, an increased level of communication will lead to mutual trust in handling many of these issues, and will aide in the effect rule making process.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Apr 01, 2014
The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) infiltrated Chinese telecom giant Huawei years ago. The disclosures highlight the global risks associated with unilateral government surveillance.
Franz-Stefan Gady, Associate Editor, Diplomat
Mar 18, 2014
With the announcement that President Xi will oversee a new group on Internet security, Franz-Stefan Gady analyzes the future of China-US cybersecurity cooperation.
Lu Jinghua, Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science
Mar 13, 2014
China should cooperate with other countries to build an international cyber environment that is secure and trustworthy, fair and reasonable, peaceful and stable, writes Lu Jinghua.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Dec 24, 2013
Chinese officials have adopted a conspicuously low-key attitude toward the U.S. National Security Agency affair. However, despite protests from countries like Germany and Brazil, Beijing and Washington should work together to protect common cyber interests.
Cai Mingzhao, Minister of the State Council Information Office of China
Nov 21, 2013
This is a keynote speech at the Fourth World Cyberspace Cooperation Summit by Cai Mingzhao, Minister of the State Council Information Office of China.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Sep 09, 2013
The “Snowden Incident” has harmed United States standing in the international community in three ways: weakened US soft power, complicated game theory among the world’s four leading powers, and proved the danger of web-based non-state entities.
Graham Webster, Fellow, Yale Law School China Center
Aug 31, 2013
How can China and the United States make progress on cybersecurity? Graham Webster explains that until competing views of the Internet – as a source of freedom-promotion in the U.S. and a sovereign autonomy in China are understood – neither side will see real progress on cybersecurity.