Franz-Stefan Gady
Associate Editor, Diplomat
Jan 26, 2018
When debating possible U.S. limited strikes on North Korea, let us not forget the inherent unpredictability of war.
Dec 04, 2017
Pyongyang may have just tried to publicly signal the U.S. its willingness to give diplomacy another try.
Mar 03, 2017
The People’s Liberation Army could become more powerful than the U.S. military. But not for the reasons you might think.
Jan 10, 2017
What will be President-elect Donald Trump’s policy on the use of offensive cyber weapons? First, he will likely adopt a more aggressive cyber position, with the subsequent risk of an accelerated cyber arms race. Second, he may loosen cyber alliances and abandon the quest for norms of state behavior in cyberspace. Both prospects could potentially make cyberspace more dangerous for the United States.
Dec 15, 2016
President Barack Obama came into office in 2009 with roughly 180,000 Americans fighting insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan. The 44th President of the United States was elected to put an end to the long war and reorient U.S. defense policy away towards smaller scale operations and “national building at home.” 8 years later, what will President Barack Obama’s war legacy be?
Nov 17, 2016
Donald Trump’s ascension to the presidency in 2017 will also make him the new commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces, with a large say over the question of war and peace in the next four years. While some see his strongman style as reminiscent of Theodore Roosevelt’s Gunboat Diplomacy, there are too many known unknowns about Trump’s defense policies to predict how he would react in the event of war or a perceived threat.
Oct 25, 2016
While U.S. China relations regarding cyber security have improved over recent years, there are still large areas of distrust and room for improved communication. Namely, there are critical points regarding the 2015 agreement that are still evolving in the 2015 cyber attack agreement between the U.S. and China. Although cyber attacks have not decreased, promising diplomatic initiatives and areas of discussion have been opened.
Oct 04, 2016
Countries such as China, Iran, Russia, and the United States are heavily investing in their cyberwar capabilities and are accumulating not just single cyber weapons but entire cyber weapon arsenals for use in wartime. Small and medium powers will need to start a public debate about how to tackle the growing threats from cyberspace sooner rather than later.
Jul 27, 2016
How might a Chinese intelligence analyst explain the United States’ obsession with firearms? Franz-Stefan Gady begins by analyzing its historical origin tied to a national myth. High-profile mass-shootings, paired with a growing discontent with the ruling elite, and the continuous exploitation of American history by powerful civil liberty interest groups, will induce a knee-jerk reaction among Americans that it will be the gun rather than the law that will ultimately protect them from harm.
Jun 16, 2016
: Franz-Stefan Gady argues that the end goal of Sino-U.S. deliberations will not be an end to state-sponsored hacking or cyber espionage, but to put a framework in place that will not only help prevent disagreements in cyberspace from spilling over into other parts of the bilateral relationship, but also help both sides to get closer to an understanding of what constitutes strategic stability, i.e., peace, in cyberspace.