Adam Segal, Senior Fellow, China Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations
Mar 30, 2011
China, in an ongoing bid to be more transparent about its military modernization, released the 2010 defense white paper, China’s National Defense in 2010, this week. The overall picture painted is of Beijing operating in an increasingly complicated security environment.
Zhao Dingxin, Professor, University of Chicago
Mar 24, 2011
Objectively speaking, the Chinese media as a whole have gained greater freedom and transparency in recent years to cover social disturbances and disasters. This
Mar 16, 2011
Since 2009, China has blocked Facebook, the world’s largest online social media network. This year, Renren, one of China’s largest social networks, plans to r
Mar 13, 2011
My blood ran cold when I read about how China is tracking and detaining foreign journalists. (The New York Times, “China Tracks Foreign Journalists,” March 6)