Lu Jinghua
Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science
Mar 13, 2014
China should cooperate with other countries to build an international cyber environment that is secure and trustworthy, fair and reasonable, peaceful and stable, writes Lu Jinghua.
Jun 07, 2013
The United States Department of Defense’s most recent report on the People’s Liberation Army strained already heightened tensions between the US and China due to its focus on cyber security. Lu Jinghua argues the US needs to stop imagining cyber threats and start cooperating with China.
Apr 08, 2013
As tensions between China and the US continue to mount over cybersecurity concerns, Lu Jinghua urges both nations to come together and cooperate in cyberspace to avoid a catastrophic miscalculation.
Aug 29, 2012
By clearing choosing Japan over China in the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands dispute, the US risks increasing the likelihood of confrontation in the Asia Pacific region instead of negating it. These actions run counter to America’s stated goal of improving strategic trust between the US and China.