Cai Penghong, Senior Fellow, SIIS
Jun 19, 2013
The Xi-Obama summit in early June was a unique experience for the two leaders to discuss a wide range of important topics. However, due to a variety of domestic and structural issues, the topic of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was hardly touched upon.
Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Int'l & Strategic Studies, CIIS
Jun 19, 2013
Su Xiaohui writes that China and the US have agreed that the zero-sum game will harm both sides’ interests, and will cooperate in avoiding a Thucydides trap. Specifically, in the process of improving military exchange and managing territorial issues, the two countries may find a way to finally establish a new type of relationship.
Yao Yunzhu, Retired Major General, Chinese People’s Liberation Army
Jun 19, 2013
China and the United States both have termed last week’s summit between presidents Xi Jinping and Barack Obama at Sunnylands, California, as a great success. Among the wide range of issues discussed by the two leaders was Sino-US military relationship.
Qiu Chaobing, Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jun 17, 2013
Back in the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping made the remark that China-US relations must be based on mutual trust or they could not move forward. Thirty-odd years have passed, but the trust between the two countries remains somewhat elusive.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Jun 14, 2013
In the past, the global ICT ecosystem was dominated by U.S. companies. Today, that dominance is crumbling. In this view, the commercial success of Huawei and ZTE would be the result of their competitive strategies. The global shift to a multipolar system marks a new era for ICTs and the way that markets emerge.
Donald Kirk, Journalist
Jun 13, 2013
While the Xi-Obama Summit was meant to mend US-China relations, Donald Kirk explains the lack of discourse on Asia-Pacific regional issues has only heightened tensions between North and South Korea.
Tao Wenzhao, Honorary Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Fellow, CASS Institute of American Studies
Jun 13, 2013
American and Chinese audiences have received the Sunnylands summit between Presidents Xi and Obama very differently. According to Tao Wenzhao, the meeting was of great historical significance to China-US relations, marking a new path for major power relations.
Elliot Brennan, Project Coordinator, Institute for Security and Development Policy
Jun 11, 2013
The "shale gas revolution" of the US looks to be capable of offering many different opportunities for Washington. It will substantially lower the amount of oil that the US imports from the gulf. It may also enable the US to begin supplying cleaner LNG to China.
George Koo, Retired International Business Consultant and Contributor to Asia Times
Jun 10, 2013
One of the main breakthroughs from the informal summit between the leaders of China and the US was that Presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping did agree to work together on keeping North Korea in check and the Korean peninsula nuclear free, writes George Koo.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Jun 07, 2013
The "Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2013" by the Defense Department outlines the great lengths China has taken to modernize its military. While the report outlines impressive undertakings by China, Doug Bandow reiterates that a rising China should not worry the US.