Wu Chunsi, Senior Fellow and Director, Institute for International Strategic Studies at SIIS
Feb 23, 2011
Cooperation on security matters is an important dimension of the relationships between China and the United States. From noticeably cooling in the aftermath of
Feb 18, 2011
On January 4, the World Bank issued its first round of bonds denominated in China's currency, the yuan or renminbi, worth 500 million yuan ($76 million) wit
Yang Yi, Former Director, University of National Defense
Feb 18, 2011
Washington's 2011 National Military Strategy, unveiled by the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff and Navy Admiral Michael Mullen on Feb 8, is aimed at reshap
Liu Ming, Director, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Feb 18, 2011
Washington fears the strategic situation in the Asia-Pacific is subtly changing in China's favor, potentially resulting in the United States losing soft p
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Feb 15, 2011
US support for China’s new nuclear centre, formalized in a recent bilateral agreement, highlights how, even in the absence of an official China-US nuclear arms
Ma Ying, Professor, Shanghai Institutes for Int'l Studies
Feb 14, 2011
The United States did not have an overall strategy toward the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for a long time. In its bilateral relations with AS
Cai Penghong, Senior Fellow, SIIS
Feb 14, 2011
Planning for the new trade entity Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) concluded with a successful four-round negotiation phase in 2010, resulting in the US announci
Wang Yong, Professor, Peking University
Feb 14, 2011
Although the US Department of Treasury has decided to postpone its scheduled report on whether China is manipulating its currency to gain trade advantage until
Feb 14, 2011
Alfred T. Mahan’s theory of Sea Power has a long historic impact on Chinese Maritime Strategic Thinking. When modern China struggled for its survival from fore
Yun Sun, Director of the China Program and Co-director of the East Asia Program, Stimson Center
May 23, 2017
Two major security concerns, a rising China and a nuclear North Korea, have prompted the Pentagon to endorse a plan to invest $7.5 billion to strengthen the U.S. presence in the Asia-Pacific region over the next five years. However, it remains to be seen how this fits with Trump administration’s broader policy and military posture for the Asia Pacific.