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Media Report
June 29 , 2016
  • The New York Times reports: "Donald J. Trump vowed on Tuesday to rip up international trade deals and start an unrelenting offensive against Chinese economic practices, framing his contest with Hillary Clinton as a choice between hard-edge nationalism and the policies of 'a leadership class that worships globalism.'...He threatened to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement and pledged to label China a currency manipulator and impose punitive tariffs on Chinese goods....At a rally later in the day in eastern Ohio, Mr. Trump attacked the Trans-Pacific Partnership in more provocative terms, saying it was a 'rape of our country.'"
  • Reuters reports: "Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged South Korea to pay attention to China's concerns about the deployment of the U.S. THAAD missile defense system to the country and 'cautiously' address the plan....South Korea should 'attach importance to China's legitimate concern on security and cautiously and appropriately address the United States' plan' to deploy THAAD in South Korea, Xi told visiting South Korean Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn, the official Xinhua news agency reported....Xi added that China and South Korea should continue to work for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, work together to maintain peace and stability and solve problems through dialogue and consultation."
  • The Washington Post reports: "China has replaced its internet regulator Lu Wei, the hard-liner responsible for leading the government's efforts to tighten control over domestic cyberspace and export the ruling Communist Party's philosophy of web control....His successor will be his deputy, former propaganda official Xu Lin, the official Xinhua News Agency reported Wednesday....Xinhua did not mention a new post for Lu, who will keep his concurrent position as deputy head of the party's propaganda department."
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