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Media Report
June 20 , 2016
  • The New York Times reports: "Indonesia is holding the crew of a Chinese fishing boat it says was fishing illegally last week in the South China Sea, an official confirmed on Monday....The latest episode occurred on Friday when Indonesian warships challenged a group of Chinese fishing boats operating within Indonesia's 200-mile exclusive economic zone off the Natuna Islands, northwest of Borneo, said Atmadji Sumarkidjo, a spokesman for Indonesia's Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs....Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued a statement on the ministry's website on Sunday contending that the fishing boats were operating in 'China's traditional fishing grounds' in the South China Sea. The statement said that the boats were 'harassed and shot by several Indonesian naval vessels.'"
  • BBC News reports: "A new supercomputer from China has topped the latest list of the world's most powerful machines. The 93 petaflop Sunway TaihuLight is installed at the National Supercomputing Centre in Wuxi. At its peak, the computer can perform around 93,000 trillion calculations per second. It is twice as fast and three times as efficient as the previous leader Tianhe-2, also from China, said Top500 which released the new list on Monday."
  • The Washington Post reports: "Hong Kong's leader said Monday he'll raise concerns with the Chinese government over the case of a bookseller secretly detained for months in the mainland and whose revelations about his ordeal have sparked fear and anger over Beijing's tightening grip. Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying also said officials would review a notification system for when residents are detained by authorities in mainland China, after Beijing failed to alert the semiautonomous Chinese city's government about Lam Wing-kee until months after he went missing....In Leung's first public comments on the matter, he told reporters he 'attaches great importance' to Lam's case....'We believe that there's room for review and possibly improvement in the notification system,' Leung said."
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