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Media Report
June 21 , 2016
  • The New York Times reports: "Nine months after President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China agreed to a broad crackdown on cyberespionage aimed at curbing the theft of intellectual property, the first detailed study of Chinese hacking has found a sharp drop-off in almost daily raids on Silicon Valley firms, military contractors and other commercial targets. But the study, conducted by the iSight intelligence unit of FireEye, a company that manages large network breaches, also concluded that the drop-off began a year before Mr. Obama and Mr. Xi announced their accord in the White House Rose Garden. In a conclusion that is largely echoed by American intelligence officials, the study said the change is part of Mr. Xi's broad effort to bring the Chinese military, which is considered one of the main sponsors of the attacks, further under his control."
  • Reuters reports: "Lin Zuluan, the democratically elected and popular party chief of Wukan in the southern province of Guangdong, was arrested in a midnight raid on Saturday days after he made a public appeal for a mass march against illegal land seizures....The video, distributed to villagers via social media on Tuesday, showed Lin confessing to taking kickbacks for public works projects and purchases of resources....But nearly a thousand villagers, including children and the disabled, disputed the video, demanding his release in a long procession around the village, ignoring warnings from authorities to not stir up trouble."
  • The Washington Post reports: "A city in southern China went ahead with an annual dog-meat eating festival Tuesday despite heavy criticism and protests from animal rights activists....An estimated 10 million to 20 million dogs are killed for their meat each year in China, and the Yulin event has become a lightning rod for criticism....The local government has in recent years sought to disassociate itself from the event, forbidding its employees from attending and limiting its size by shutting down some dog markets and slaughter houses."
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