Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Apr 25, 2012
The majority of discussions at the April 2012 U.S. Army War College’s 23rd annual Strategy Conference focused on the rise of China and the People’s Liberation Army. Despite U.S. concerns over a lack of transparency in China’s military, the 23rd annual Strategy Conference agreed the ties linking China and the U.S. make future conflicts unlikely.
Wang Jisi, Professor at School of International Studies and Founding President of Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University
Apr 16, 2012
A recent study co-authored by Dr. Kenneth Lieberthal and Dr.Wang Jisi has aroused a great deal of interest among Chinese and American officials and policy analysts who are concerned about the relationship. One frequently asked question is: given the degree of the mutual distrust and the difficulty in reducing it, are the two countries heading for a long-term strategic rivalry and confrontation?
Stapleton Roy, Director, Kissinger Institute
Apr 10, 2012
The next decade is likely to be the decisive period determining the future course of U.S.-China relations. Unless China and the United States can find ways to b
Apr 05, 2012
With the US "return to Asia" and the growing economic gap between China and India, the Sino-Indian relationship is seeing subtle changes these days. Some Indian
Christopher R. Hill, Former US Assistant Secertary of State
Apr 01, 2012
Realists tend to view the American 'pivot' back to the Asia Pacific as a move reminiscent of a cold war-style structural rebalancing of power. That's not the case, according to Christopher R. Hill, former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Mar 30, 2012
The fourth BRICS Summit is being held in New Delhi today. As it is the first time for India to host a BRICS summit, the country is making active efforts to ensure its success. The summit provides a desirable opportunity for India to present itself as a new emerging power.
Yang Cheng, Deputy Director, East China Normal University
Mar 26, 2012
For all the doubts and suspicions raised by some Western powers, Putin smoothly managed a landslide win in his re-election as Russia’s new president to start his third term of presidency. Of the series of articles he had published before the election, the article ‘Russia and the Changing World’ carried in the Moscow News is of special significance.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Mar 23, 2012
Leading presidential candidates agree that the U.S.-Chinese relationship is the most important bilateral link in the 21st century. If that’s the case, why is this relationship threatened in the campaigns?
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Mar 16, 2012
Beijing and Washington are not on the same page about how to deal with international trouble spots. That problem became clear last month when China and Russia
Ruan Zongze, VP, China Institute of Int'l Studies
Mar 16, 2012
In recent years, the West's "neo-interventionism" under the banner of "responsibility to protect" has caused tremendous controversy in the international are