Chen Yonglong, Director of Center of American Studies, China Foundation for International Studies
Jul 10, 2012
Both China and the United States stand as one of the leading world powers, and shoulder a historic responsibility for the development of the human society and the progress of world civilization. As a matter of fact, China and the United States have already started to explore the type of relationship to be developed between them.
Jul 10, 2012
Speaker: Constance Newman,former United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Date: July, 2012 Madame Constance Newman shares her opinion on h
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Jul 09, 2012
China’s growing economic and military role in global affairs raises the question as to why the PRC is not a member of the G8, the group of the influential indu
David Shorr, a strategic thinker and veteran program manager
Jun 12, 2012
Paraphrasing what existentialist philosopher Albert Camus said about suicide, most of the serious problems of contemporary world affairs are questions about int
Bates Gill, Director, Stockholm Int‘l Peace Research Institute
Jun 10, 2012
Speaker: Dr.Bates Gill, expert on Chinese foreign policy and the current director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Date: June, 2012 Summ
Cui Tiankai, China’s ambassador to the United States
Jun 09, 2012
China and the United States are located on the two sides of the Pacific Ocean. The two countries have more overlapping interests and more frequent interactions
Tung Chee Hwa, Chairman Emeritus, China-United States Exchange Foundation
Jun 06, 2012
I am greatly honored to be invited to speak on this auspicious occasion of the inaugural of the Asia Global Dialogue hosted by the Fung Global Institute. My di
Zhao Gancheng, Senior Fellow, Shanghai Institutes for Int'l Studies
May 31, 2012
The NATO Summit in Chicago was held between May 20-21 with the background of noisy demonstrations to protest against the Afghan war that has lasted for more than 10 years. Actually, how to deal with the issue was on the top agenda at the Summit for both President Obama and other NATO leaders. There are plenty of reasons that the U.S. wants to discuss the Afghan issue with the members of NATO and other partners in the first place.
May 30, 2012
Over one month has passed since the China-Philippines standoff over Huangyan Island (Scarborough shoal) started on 10 April 2012. The Philippines’ biggest nava
Barbara Kennelly, Founder, Barbara Kennelly Associates
May 28, 2012
When I visited China last month as part of a bipartisan delegation of former Members of the House of Representatives, it quickly became apparent that finding