Editorial Board
Apr 28, 2014
According to the understanding brokered by US Secretary of State John Kerry, Israel and Palestine should have an agreement by April 29th. But it seems the two sides were not able to bridge their differences on some key issues, writes Wu Sike.
Oct 24, 2013
Although the US is firmly established in the region, many Pacific countries are concerned about US stability and consistency in policy. China’s recent confident actions have allowed for relations with ASEAN to grow and may have begun to act to supplant the US role. But do the two powers need to be competing or can they work in tandem?
Oct 18, 2013
Cai Penghong reviews the achievements attained at the 2013 APEC Summit in Bali, and the 8th East Asia Summit and concludes that, despite President Obama’s absence, a number of noteworthy developments and deals have been put into place.
Oct 11, 2013
In spite of the progress made at this week’s APEC and ASEAN meetings in Bali and Brunei respectively, there are still concerns that President Obama’s absence reduced U.S. influence in the region. Stephen Harner examines these developments and the potential for a “win-win” relationship between the US and China.
Jul 10, 2013
Are the U.S. and China headed for a “new great power relationship?” In a rare and exclusive interview with Christiane Amanpour, Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai said that it’s “obvious” that the countries need each other.
May 31, 2013
US-China 2022 is a new report and series of events projecting the economic growth possible from the bilateral relationship over the next 10 years, and submits policy recommendations to both the United States and Chinese governments to maximize potential benefits.
Oct 06, 2012
As the U.S.-China relationship continues to grow, in size and complexity, what are the implications of this once-in-a-decade leadership transition, especially for bilateral interaction? Dr. Henry A. Kissinger is joined by former Ambassador to China J. Stapleton Roy, former Fellow Dr. Cheng Li, and China scholar Dr. David M. Lampton to discuss the possible implications for U.S.-China relations of this once-in-a-decade power transition.
Sep 18, 2012
After twenty years of managed leadership successions, steady economic growth, basic social stability, and a generally positive foreign policy—we have recently witnessed unpredictable instability in all these spheres. China watchers ask: Is this the “new normal” in China?
Sep 02, 2012
US' China policy needs to be changed in the direction of increasing mutual trust and avoiding miscalculations US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has just
Aug 05, 2012
China-US bilateral relations are still fragile and not so stable because of strategic suspicion of each other, a mentality that has never died out and tends to grow even stronger with China’s rise.