Shang-Jin Wei, Professor, Finance and Economics at Columbia University
Dec 14, 2021
The 20th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization on December 11 has once again highlighted long-standing debates about how well China has lived up to its WTO obligations, and whether any deviation from its commitments boosts or slows its economic growth. This discussion affects many countries’ views on whether the current global trading system should be built up or pulled down.
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Oct 13, 2021
China’s joining the free trade agreement would provide a powerful economic boost to the Asia-Pacific region and the world. It should be cheered on, but Washington — obsessed with containing China — may yet block its bid.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Oct 13, 2021
The only correct and feasible way to manage bilateral trade and competition is to apply WTO rules. China and the United States should list each other’s concerns and find solutions compatible with WTO rules on subsidies, policies and national safety. it’s the only way to sustain a durable coexistence.
Ma Shikun, Senior Journalist, the People’s Daily
Feb 08, 2021
If the United States is going to complain about China’s transparency and handling of WHO experts, it should be willing to open its own biolabs around the world to scrutiny. Solving this mystery is an urgent task for all mankind.
Wang Guoxing, Senior Research Fellow, SIIS
Jan 16, 2021
China and the U.S. worked together for years to overcame obstacles to make China's accession to WTO possible in 2001, bringing huge benefits to both countries.
Chen Lu, Assistant Fellow, Institute of World Economic Studies, CICIR
Nov 12, 2020
As the United States repeatedly weighs in to block reasonable reforms and interfere with long-standing, consensus-based processes, China is on another track. It knows that reforms are needed and is working constructively to realize them.
Zhang Yun, Professor, School of International Relations, Nanjing University
Aug 26, 2020
An international order free of the United States is inconceivable in the long-term, but a tentative limited multilateralism excluding the world’s sole superpower may develop and exist for some time.
Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University; Munich Young Leader 2025
Jul 14, 2020
US withdrawal from World Health Organization poses risks to itself and the world. At the same time, it creates opportunities for others to step into the void to fill funding gaps and reshape the leadership in global health security.
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Feb 19, 2020
While receptive to proposals that are in line with its economic reform and opening-up agenda, the country cannot be expected to embrace rule changes that undermine ore parts of its successful economic model.
Shang-Jin Wei, Professor, Finance and Economics at Columbia University
Xinding Yu, Associate Professor of Economics, University of International Business and Economics
Dec 13, 2019
December 11, 2019, is the 18th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization. It also marks the start of an era in which the WTO no longer has a functioning appellate body to adjudicate trade disputes among member countries. Why is the WTO imploding, and can it be resuscitated before it’s too late?