Shang-Jin Wei, Professor, Finance and Economics at Columbia University
Xinding Yu, Associate Professor of Economics, University of International Business and Economics
Dec 13, 2019
December 11, 2019, is the 18th anniversary of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization. It also marks the start of an era in which the WTO no longer has a functioning appellate body to adjudicate trade disputes among member countries. Why is the WTO imploding, and can it be resuscitated before it’s too late?
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Dec 12, 2019
Expectations and requirements are different kettles of fish. A country is only obliged to honor the terms laid out in its accession agreement.
Sourabh Gupta, Senior Fellow, Institute for China-America Studies
Dec 11, 2019
The Trump administration has demonstrated a lack of a respect for international trade law throughout the US-China trade dispute. Now, organizations like the WTO will suffer at the hand of Trump’s prioritization of his ‘America First’ policies.
Sourabh Gupta, Senior Fellow, Institute for China-America Studies
Dec 05, 2019
The Trump administration has demonstrated a lack of a respect for international trade law throughout the US-China trade dispute. Now, organizations like the WTO will suffer at the hand of Trump’s prioritization of his ‘America First’ policies.
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Nov 22, 2019
Trashing favorable treatment for rising countries in the WTO would be unconscionable.
John Gong, Professor at University of International Business and Economics and China Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2019
How the label “developing country” is assigned has become a bone of contention for the United States in its assessment of China and the WTO. But China can find middle ground by looking toward the World Bank’s GNI classification standard.
Zhou Xiaoming, Former Deputy Permanent Representative of China’s Mission to the UN Office in Geneva
Aug 26, 2019
President Trump’s most recent threat to leave the WTO has caught worldwide attention. Would removing itself from the organization be beneficial for the United States, or is it just a bluff?
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Aug 02, 2019
Trump’s most recent memo to the WTO is the latest in a series of unilateral aggressions by the U.S. Given the relentless combativeness of the Trump Administration in global trade more broadly, the memo targeting WTO norms is unlikely to have any productive results.
Jul 17, 2019
May 14, 2019
China says US trade policies are threatening the existence of the World Trade Organization.