Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Feb 12, 2022
Artificial intelligence’s many applications have the potential to change daily life for people worldwide. It also has the potential to reshape military power in the future. With China and the U.S. locked into a power struggle, this is one area where both sides have great incentive to leapfrog the other.
Ben Reynolds, Writer and Foreign Policy Analyst in New York
Feb 12, 2022
The deadline for China to reach the Phase 1 Trade Agreement targets has come and gone, and China has officially fallen short of its commitments. The two countries now must decide how to move forward.
Yang Wenjing, Research Professor, Institute of American Studies, CICIR
Feb 08, 2022
Some of the Cold War experience, though it may not be an exact parallel, can be instructive. A pattern should be established to avoid dragging the world into a lose-lose scenario.
Sun Chenghao, Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy of Tsinghua University; Munich Young Leader 2025
Jan 24, 2022
Given their mutual economic dependence, both China and the U.S. know they must manage relations. Nobody wants a new cold war. Rational countries are unwilling to choose sides, and there is great pressure for accommodation.
Wang Honggang, Deputy Directorof Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Jan 22, 2022
What should be China’s view? It should avoid competition for its own sake and avoid rhetorical pitfalls. It should also consider historical context and the needs of humanity as a whole. Competition should be managed, not malicious.
An Gang, Adjunct Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
Jan 19, 2022
China and the United States must take the opportunity to move relations forward following the Xi-Biden virtual meeting in November. A healthy future will be discovered through frank dialogue, sincere exchanges and taking advantage of every small but concrete commitment.
Zhang Yun, Professor, School of International Relations, Nanjing University
Jan 07, 2022
Americans like to think the United States won the Cold War and they nostalgically believe the same approach will work with China. It won’t. In fact, healthy China-U.S. relations depend on Washington’s moving away from the myth.
Wang Jisi, Professor at School of International Studies and Founding President of Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University
Jan 07, 2022
High-level dialogues in 2021 between China and the United State clarified their positions. Now it’s imperative that the two rivals avoid a new cold war by engaging in substantive working-level talks.
Yan Xuetong, Distinguished Professor, Tsinghua University
Dec 28, 2021
Strategic competition between China and the United States should be characterized not as a new cold war but as an uneasy peace. Shooting is not likely to break out, but the two countries will remain in dread of each other in the coming decade.
Yu Yongding, Former President, China Society of World Economics
Dec 14, 2021
In 2018, Steve Bannon, then-US President Donald Trump’s chief strategist, argued that the United States needed to “decouple” from China. Since then, the term has become a fixture in discussions of Sino-American relations – to the point that some, such as former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, have warned that it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. How salient is that risk today?