Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Sep 22, 2020
Washington is sending an unsubtle message to Beijing that U.S. military support for Taiwan is no longer ambiguous or hesitant.
Yan Yu, Current Affairs Commentator on Taiwan affairs
Sep 18, 2020
Will the United States fight for the island or forsake it? It’s a central question, as a series of statements by Washington hawks and moves in Congress edge toward confrontation. A protracted war is one possible outcome. Loss of U.S. credibility in the Asia-Pacific is another.
Dennis V. Hickey, James F. Morris Endowed Professor of Political Science, Missouri State University
Jul 13, 2020
Among the mounting tensions in the US-China relationship, the Taiwan issue is the only issue that could turn the “war of words” into a true war.
Patrick Mendis, Visiting Professor of Global Affairs, National Chengchi University
Fu-Kuo Liu, Director of the Taiwan Center for Security Studies in Taipei
Jun 05, 2020
The pandemic has deepened the waters in cross-Strait relations. As President Tsai takes office for her second term, US-China-Taiwan relations face new challenges.
Yan Yu, Current Affairs Commentator on Taiwan affairs
May 27, 2020
Taiwan’s re-elected leader masked her Taiwan independence agenda with delicate words, but her meaning was unmistakable. She is moving inexorably toward a separation through incremental steps. Can a crisis be averted?
Zhu Songling, Professor, Beijing Union University
May 25, 2020
Tsai Ing-wen’s second inaugural message on May 20 was a dangerous one, reinforcing the notion that the island is already de facto independent and willing to be a geopolitical chess piece for the United States.
Li Yan, Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
May 24, 2020
The United States is clearly trying to leverage the island to its advantage against Beijing. But the matter is so sensitive that it could trigger a confrontation. It has already eroded trust and reduced the space for effective crisis management.
Chen Pingping, Deputy director of the Research Center for Maritime Economy
Apr 27, 2020
The TAIPEI Act, passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by Donald Trump, will not benefit the island. Taiwan is being used as a pawn by the U.S. to gain leverage against Beijing.
Tian Feilong, Associate Professor, the Law School of Beihang University
Mar 26, 2020
The U.S. and Taiwan have engineered a number of in-cremental breakthroughs and are using the coronavirus epidemic to create another. These moves damage Chi-nese sovereignty and violate international law. It’s un-likely to end well.