Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
May 15, 2019
As Taiwan’s 2020 presidential election approaches, both the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the opposition Kuomintang Party (KMT) face divisive, close-fought primary battles among multiple candidates. Growing political volatility in Taiwan poses a major threat to Washington’s cautious balancing between Taipei and Beijing.
May 08, 2019
The passage of the legislation supporting Taiwan reflects U.S. Congress push for a sharper approach to relations with Beijing.
Apr 26, 2019
A French warship passed through the strategic Taiwan Strait this month, U.S. officials told Reuters, a rare voyage by a vessel of a European country that is likely to be welcomed by Washington but increase tensions with Beijing.
Aurelio Insisa, Honorary Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong
Apr 20, 2018
Whatever kind of power Beijing decides to exert over Taiwan, whether it be soft or hard, the decision will have momentous consequences on both sides of the Strait.
Zhang Tuosheng, Principal Researcher at Grandview Institution, and Academic Committee Member of Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University
Apr 10, 2019
Despite rising tension across the Taiwan Strait, Tsai has not rushed to seek independence, while the mainland has maintained its patient policy. Thus no crisis has yet emerged — still, Taiwan, mainland China, and the US should all strive to relax tension and resume peaceful cross-strait development to avoid a new cold war.
Mar 25, 2019
The United States sent Navy and Coast Guard ships through the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the military said, as the United States increases the frequency of movement through the strategic waterway despite opposition from China.
Chen Pingping, Deputy director of the Research Center for Maritime Economy
Mar 22, 2019
On January 2nd this year, after President Xi Jinping delivered a speech at a gathering to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the “Message to Compatriots in Taiwan” that called for Chinese unification, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait set off to explore the two-system solution to the Taiwan question.
Mar 21, 2019
China urged the U.S. not to allow Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen to stop over in Hawaii next week.
Fan Gaoyue, Guest Professor at Sichuan University, Former Chief Specialist at PLA Academy of Military Science
Mar 08, 2019
Trump’s Taiwan policy endangers peace and stability between the Taiwan Strait and risks causing catastrophe in China-US relations. Tsai Ing-wen should not mistake Trump’s policy as US support for Taiwanese independence and should see it as it is: a way to hedge against the mainland.