Ruan Zongze, VP, China Institute of Int'l Studies
May 07, 2013
ASEAN must stop its members from fanning trouble to ensure ties between China and Southeast Asian countries prosper.
Fu Xiaoqiang, Vice President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Mar 04, 2013
The strategic impact of China’s takeover of the management of the Gwadar port should not be overly interpreted, writes Fu Xiaoqiang. The takeover is not an effort by the Chinese military to establish a military presence in a foreign land.
Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Int'l & Strategic Studies, CIIS
Jan 21, 2013
China does not aim at exclusive presence in Myanmar and China is willing to cooperate with other countries, including the Western economies, to promote the country’s development.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Mar 01, 2012
One thing any visitor to Kazakhstan notices is how prominent China has become to Kazakhstani thinking. Kazakhstan’s goals regarding China include obtaining a
Franz-Stefan Gady, Associate Editor, Diplomat
Jun 16, 2011
Cutting military and economic assistance to a country in crisis is generally seen as a failure of foreign policy. Such imperial hubris can lead to a miscalculat