Sara Hsu, Visiting Scholar at Fudan University
May 31, 2019
China recently introduced new policies designed to open up its economy and increase the amount of foreign capital in the Chinese financial system. It sounds like a lot of effort is being put toward making China's financial sector more accessible, but is it, really?
Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong
Xiao Geng, Director of Institute of Policy and Practice at Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Apr 03, 2019
In Washington, DC, a bipartisan consensus about China has emerged: the United States is facing a trade-manipulating, authoritarian intellectual-property thief that represents a strategic threat to the US and its allies and deserves to be punished. But the consensus is wrong. In fact, China deserves recognition, if not appreciation, for its achievements.
Lucio Blanco Pitlo III, President of Philippine Association for Chinese Studies, and Research Fellow at Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation
Feb 08, 2018
Xi’s report to the 19th Party Congress outlined promising opportunities for China to play ever greater constructive and positive roles for the world. However, making those contributions will not be without challenges, and the manner and motives behind such efforts will always be under scrutiny.
Cui Liru, Former President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Feb 01, 2018
In a recent speech, Xi Jinping referred to a “period of historic opportunities” instead of a “period of strategic opportunities.”
Eric Farnsworth, Vice President, COA, Washington D.C. Office
Jan 08, 2018
U.S. policy-makers must recognize that the most productive path forward is not to maneuver into constant conflict with China but rather to concentrate on our own competitiveness, to restore a sense of national unity, and to re-emerge from the current political cycle as an example of an open market democracy that others are both willing and able to emulate.
He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences
Dec 27, 2017
China-Zimbabwe cooperation has smoothly endured the political changes and embarked on a new journey.
Vasilis Trigkas, Visiting Assistant Professor, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University
Dec 27, 2017
Despite, Trump’s claims, China is not a revisionist power. Diplomats on both sides should work hard to ensure Trump’s assertion will not become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Yu Sui, Professor, China Center for Contemporary World Studies
Dec 18, 2017
Political parties around the world should engage with each other directly to promote mutual understanding and build a community of a shared future for humanity.
Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China
Dec 18, 2017
China's foreign policy has two overarching goals, namely, the fostering of a new form of international relations and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
Oct 18, 2017
China's top leader reiterates that China will never seek hegemony and engage in expansion in a major policy speech.