Jun 30, 2016
For Asia, the bad news this week was not that Donald J. Trump detailed a seven-point plan to toughen American trade policy, especially toward China. It was that Hillary Clinton’s campaign accused Mr. Trump a few hours later of purloining her ideas, noting that she favored similar action on those issues.
Mar 24, 2016
China and the United States are nearing the end of negotiations over a key agreement aimed at increasing trade between the two nations, former Chinese minister of commerce Chen Deming reportedly said Wednesday.
Susan Chan Shifflett, Program Associate, Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum
Nov 13, 2015
Rising incomes, limited farmland, and polluted water and soil has prompted China to look overseas for agriculture imports. Over the last decade, the United States has been China’s top agricultural partner and this relationship looks likely to continue and indeed strengthen.
Hugh Stephens, Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Oct 08, 2015
Despite President Xi Jinping’s efforts to assuage the concerns of U.S. business executives while in Seattle, Hugh Stephens argues that these statements don’t reflect reality—that China imposes a much wider range of restrictions on U.S. investors than is the case for Chinese investment in the US.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Aug 28, 2015
The shifting exchange rate reflects the strength of the dollar, not weakness of the RMB. The two nations and business communities should focus on identifying the complementary sectors and products of the two countries and seeking a sustainable pattern of stable growth based on mutual benefit.
Steve Russell, US Congressman
Jun 05, 2015
With trade deals on the horizon, President Obama has asked Congress to grant him trade promotional authority, also called fast track, to ‘‘write the rules for the world’s economy.’’ This measure would allow the President to pass sweeping trade partnerships without the input of the American people through their elected representatives in the normal process.
Yin Chengde, Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies
Mar 04, 2015
Chinese Ambassador to the U.S., Cui Tiankai, recently suggested ways to further improve China-U.S. economic cooperation, which is the major external factory driving the improvement of bilateral relations. Export restrictions, economic recognition, IMF quotas, and U.S. politicization of economic issues have been some of the major problems hindering economic ties.
Lawrence Lau, Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, CUHK
Jan 26, 2015
Approximately a year ago, a study, U.S.-China Economic Relations in the Next Ten Years, was published by the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation. The study makes a n
Oct 28, 2014
The United States and China have one of the largest trading relationships in the world, at over $550 billion per year. U.S. policymakers are right to cry foul
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Aug 18, 2014
Can moderate growth in the United States economy lead to a boost in Sino-U.S. trade? As He Weiwen explains, the United States’ rebounding economy provides greater opportunities to increase trade with China and could help the global economy as a whole.