Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Mar 07, 2014
Tom Watkins explores the incredible growth of China’s rail system and argues that America would be right to build reliable rail system of its own.
David Wertime, Professional Speaker
Feb 13, 2014
The world's factory is turning into an R&D machine -- and fast catching up with America. Beijing is urgently looking for ways of designing its own products rather than manufacturing someone else's. Put another way, it wants to shift from making iPhones to inventing them.
Yu Xiang, Senior Fellow, China Construction Bank Research Institute
Feb 10, 2014
While China is virtually certain to be the world’s biggest trade nation, Yu Xiang points out four key reasons why the country is yet to be the strongest trade nation and urges for the expansion of the US-China trade relationship.
Alex Coblin, Researcher, American Enterprise Institute
Feb 06, 2014
As news that the United States has become the largest recipient of Chinese investment spreads, many Americans are nervous and wonder where that money is going. Interestingly, the U.S. draws a significant amount of private investment from China, which is distinctly different from the country’s investment patterns in the rest of the world.
Colin Carter, Professor, University of California
Feb 01, 2014
While China’s refusal of genetically modified corn crops from the United States has gained attention in recent months, Colin A. Carter explains that as China moves from a major corn exporter to importer, it will require more sources of the crop and ultimately approve more biotech corn products.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Jan 24, 2014
The international community has praised China’s recent destruction of confiscated ivory as an important step towards reducing poaching in Africa. Robert Rotberg writes that China’s actions can spur further international cooperation and become a leader in anti-poaching initiatives.
Zhou Shixin, Research Fellow, Shanghai Institutes for Int'l Studies
Jan 07, 2014
2013 has seen three remarkable changes in China-US economic and trade relations, writes Zhou Shijian.
Tao Wenzhao, Honorary Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Fellow, CASS Institute of American Studies
Dec 28, 2013
Foreign news agencies have reported that President Barack Obama will likely nominate Senator Max Baucus to be his next envoy to China. If this is true and no change happens, it should be a positive move for the China-US relations, writes Tao Wenzhao.
Colin Moreshead, Freelance Writer
Nov 30, 2013
October’s shutdown of the US federal government elicited responses from Chinese leaders and businesses alike. These responses all seemed to send the same message – the US must get its house in order or China will not be investing in the United States much longer.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Nov 02, 2013
After nearly $1.5 million worth of elephant tusks were seized by customs agents in Hong Kong, international attention has turned to the illegal ivory and rhino horn trade in Africa – fuelled by Chinese demand.