Susan Chan Shifflett
Program Associate, Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum
Sep 14, 2016
The missions of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) is to help companies create U.S. jobs by exporting U.S. goods and services to emerging economies. As China’s installed power capacity is expected to grow over the next century, members from China’s State Grid visited a factory in South Dakota to upgrade its tools used to maintain power grids around the country.
Nov 13, 2015
Rising incomes, limited farmland, and polluted water and soil has prompted China to look overseas for agriculture imports. Over the last decade, the United States has been China’s top agricultural partner and this relationship looks likely to continue and indeed strengthen.
Apr 20, 2015
While conversations about China’s environmental challenges are often dominated by coal, the culprit for the endless smoggy days in cities across the country, progress in cleaning the air cannot be achieved without greater attention to resource interdependencies from an integrated water-energy-food lens. Susuan Chan Shifflett outlines sustainable policy development that is particularly promising for Sino-U.S. collaboration.