Zhang Junshe, Researcher, PLA Naval Military Academic Research Institute
Nov 24, 2014
Zhang Junshe describes how the establishment of mutual trust mechanisms between China and the U.S.– through military leader exchanges and joint military exercises – can help both sides to know each other’s strategic intentions and reduce the possibilities of misunderstanding and misjudgment and thus lower the risks of military friction.
Jia Qingguo, Director and Professor, Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University
Nov 22, 2014
The much anticipated Xi-Obama meeting after the APEC Summit achieved many positive bilateral policy goals: from the increased liberalization of visa and trade tariffs to mutual military cooperation. However, as Jia Qingguo explains, the offensive realist perspectives of individuals in both countries and the fractured U.S. Congress interests will hinder progress.
Nathan Gardels, Editor-in-chief, THEWORLDPOST
Nov 22, 2014
Dialogue between Henry Kissinger and Fu Ying, which took place during a recent visit she made to the United States. Its candor and tone offer valuable insights into the thinking of these two important figures on the foreign policy of their countries.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Nov 21, 2014
Doug Bandow explains how expanding the INF Treaty to Asia would benefit U.S. – Russian cooperation and dampen geopolitical and military tension over territorial issues. While China might initially be wary of joining such an effort due to concerns with Taiwanese independence, a new arms control regime would ultimately offer Beijing significant benefits as well.
Cui Liru, Former President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Nov 19, 2014
The shortest state visit in the history of the China-U.S. diplomatic relationship yielded important accomplishments in forming a new bilateral relationship, establishing complementary goals, and creating an impactful Joint Declaration on Climate Change.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Nov 18, 2014
He Weiwen dislodges the notion that the FTAAP is inherently in opposition to the TPP by discussing APEC plans to phase out regional free trade agreements in favor of creating a singular FTAAP; this more inclusive agreement which would serve as the “greatest common denominator” for standards and investment treaties in the Asian Pacific.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Nov 17, 2014
Although Xi and Abe agreed to deemphasize their conflict over the East China Sea, past efforts in this direction have not proved successful for long. Last month’s release of the interim report on Japanese-U.S. progress in revising their defense guidelines has become the latest object of Chinese concern.
David Shambaugh, Gaston Sigur Professor and Director of China Policy Program at George Washington University, Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Hoover Institution of Stanford University
Nov 14, 2014
The November 11 bilateral summit between Presidents Xi Jinping and Barack Obama in Beijing was a welcome step forward in Sino-American relations. While some tensions were evident behind the scenes and during the two leaders’ joint press conference, on balance the two sides accomplished a lot in one day of summitry.
Douglas Paal, Vice President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Nov 14, 2014
After more than a year of increasingly scratchy relations between the United States and China, Presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping managed to strike a markedly improved tone and announce some accomplishments at the Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEC), writes Douglas Paal.
Yuen Pau Woo, Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Nov 13, 2014
It was perhaps only a matter of time before Chinese President Xi Jinping shared his idea of transforming the China dream into an ‘Asia-Pacific dream’.