Han Liqun
Researcher, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Jan 07, 2025
During his first campaign for office, Trump’s threat to impose tariffs on China was dismissed by many as a rhetorical flourish, not serious policy. Today, his threat to impose a 60 percent tariff on Chinese goods or revoking China’s most favored nation status must be regarded as credible and actionable.
Sep 13, 2024
A number of political, social and economic factors tend to put the brakes on the urge to widen a war or escalate a conflict. So far, the world has been lucky with respect to the Russia-Ukraine war, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the provocative assassination of a Hamas leader. The dog didn’t bark in the night — at least not yet.
May 23, 2024
The negative strategic narratives concocted by the United States to constrain China are increasingly taking on more offensive, instrumental and purposeful dimensions. They are slipping steadily toward more confrontational and perilous frameworks, much to the detriment of normalcy and peace.
Apr 25, 2024
Washington’s strategic misunderstanding of China is a crucial reason, if not the primary one, behind the troubles in China-U.S. relations. Social changes and other factors have long affected Washington’s perceptions of China, and many of these arise from chronic issues in U.S. politics. Currently, at least five factors are at play.
Feb 06, 2024
The way forward for China-U.S. relations involves a cognitive shift from guardrails — which are short-term in nature and designed to prevent the escalation of conflict — to boundaries, which are principled markers meant to fundamentally change perceptions and prevent the occurrence of conflicts in the first place.
Aug 22, 2023
An executive order issued recently by U.S. President Joe Biden to restrict outbound investment will have many unintended negative consequences. Other countries will need a healthy dose of vigilance regarding America’s duality and changeability, as the U.S. moral position is undermined.
Mar 01, 2023
China’s Global Security Initiative embraces openness and innovation. Around the world, those who value peace and happiness should join hands to address both traditional and non-traditional security challenges and safeguard world peace together.
Jul 13, 2022
The development and growth in the United States has gone awry. Political dynamics are in disarray. Contention is everywhere. Its strategic focus has drifted. In short, America’s approach is undermining its own long-term development prospects, and it’s not conducive to the shared and balanced development of the world.
Feb 20, 2022
Different security concepts held by Russia, Europe and the United States lie at the core of the crisis and won’t be easy to reconcile. As America promotes fear of an imminent invasion, Russia has remained poised, and Europe — which has ceded its security to the U.S. —simply hopes for the best.
Jan 05, 2022
A permanent reduction in global oil and gas output may come sooner than expected. Fossil energy companies are looking ahead with caution. Instead of investing their profits in exploration or production, they are turning to capital markets.