Damien Ma, Fellow, Paulson Institute
Mar 02, 2013
Over the past two decades, China’s image in Hollywood has progressed from a once foreign, inaccessible market to a key investment for major growth. As a result, moviemakers have seen the rapid sino-fication of movies to cater to a growing Chinese audience.
Feb 27, 2013
With its growing purchasing power, China has to decide if it seeks to become a hegemon, says Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew. Lee believes that Chinese leadership will avoid military confrontations with the US as they recognize that China is better off gaining economical influence and hopes the two nations will aim for compromises when agreements cannot be reached.
James Carter, Professor, Saint Joseph’s University
Feb 22, 2013
Following Xi Jinping’s call for the “renewal of the Chinese nation” during his first speech as the CCP Secretary, Dr. James Carter examines China’s multi-national roots and urges its leaders to tame their nationalistic fervor.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Feb 18, 2013
Chinese leaders must balance profit margins and economic growth with improving their environment and the quality of life for ordinary people, writes Tom Watkins. China's new Communist Party Secretary General Xi Jinping appears to understand that leadership must begin at the top to ensure a peaceful rise.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Feb 18, 2013
Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds is a study by the US National Intelligence Council assesses how the world might evolve over the next two decades. The latest iteration, released in December, concentrates much of its analysis on China’s role in the world.
Feb 18, 2013
A consensus is rapidly emerging within China that the rule of law is the single most important precondition for inclusive, sustainable, and long-term peace and prosperity.
James Cross, Associate Provost, Champlain College
Feb 08, 2013
As more Chinese students decide to study abroad and attend United States universities for undergraduate and graduate studies, the US higher-education system must begin adapting to ensure increased educational opportunities between US and Chinese academic institutions.
Yukon Huang, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment
Feb 07, 2013
While many wonder if Xi Jinping will be a reformer in the mode of Deng Xiaoping, Yukon Huang writes China's regional decentralization of political power will expedite reforms and lead to more representative local elections.
Tong Zhiwei, Professor, East China University of Political Science and Law
Feb 05, 2013
Chinese citizens' desire for better protection of their fundamental rights is stronger than ever. We must abandon the reeducation system to fulfill the pledges of Constitution, respect and protect human rights, and ensure individual freedoms.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Feb 04, 2013
Tom Watkins discusses the significance of a growing number of university students studying in the United States.