Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Apr 03, 2013
The debate is over. After six years of weighing the options, China is now firmly committed to implementing a new growth strategy. At least, that’s the verdict I gleaned from the just-completed annual China Development Forum, long China’s most important dialogue with the outside world.
Kit Gillet, Freelance Journalist in Beijing
Mar 29, 2013
Denied the chance to study during their youth, Kit Gillet explains why Chinese executives are now flooding executive M.B.A. courses.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Mar 22, 2013
With the end of the National People’s Congress, Dan Steinbock writes that China should expect economic and financial reforms, international recalibration, and gradual political transition. Xi jinping and Li Keqiang must also balance regional interests to fulfill the “Chinese Dream.”
Xiong Lei, Guest Professor, Renmin University
Mar 21, 2013
In his closing address to the 12th NPC, Xi Jinping stated, “The Chinese dream, after all, is the dream of the people.” As Xiong Lei notes, China’s richest resource is its 1.3 billion people and their collective dreams, which are vital for China’s national rejuvenation and to provide a prosperous life for all of its citizens.
Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College
Mar 19, 2013
China’s leadership transition is formally complete with the conclusion of the 12th National People’s Congress. Providing analysis on China’s new leaders, Minxin Pei writes that while economic and political reforms remain far-off in China’s future, the new leadership can convince the public they are committed to reforms at the inaugural meeting of the new Central Committee in the fall.
Wu Sike, Member on Foreign Affairs Committee, CPPCC
Mar 16, 2013
With the conclusion of the Lunar New Year, both China and the US should make a resolution to increase cultural dialogues between the two nations. By deepening cross-cultural understanding, the US-China relationship can focus more on cohesion and creativity, rather than competition.
David Shambaugh, Gaston Sigur Professor and Director of China Policy Program at George Washington University, Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Hoover Institution of Stanford University
Mar 11, 2013
Most global citizens are well aware of the explosive growth of the Chinese economy. While China watchers have shed much light on the country's internal dynamics--China's politics, its vast social changes, and its economic development--few have focused on how this increasingly powerful nation has become more active and assertive throughout the world.
Gong Jianhua, Professor, Guangdong Ocean University
Mar 11, 2013
As part of the government restructuring plan released on Sunday, China will bring its maritime law enforcement forces under the unified management of one single administration, which will retain the name the State Oceanic Administration.
Qin Xiaoying, Research Scholar, China Foundation For Int'l and Strategic Studies
Mar 09, 2013
March sees the return of spring, the best season, as the Chinese believe, to begin the work for a year. China's Two Sessions now under way, however, differ from the previous ones in several senses.
Robert A. Kapp, senior adviser to the China Program of the Carter Center
Mar 06, 2013
China’s incoming government chiefs face huge tasks, amid deepening debate over China’s future. Internal challenges will dominate the Beijing agenda, but China’s new leaders and the Obama team must refocus on dealing with darkening trends in US-China relations.