Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies, Lau China Institute at King's College, London
Aug 26, 2013
Chinese people have a profound emotional bond to their land, culture, and sense of identity. The Chinese dream of its regenerated status is a powerful one, and Chinese politicians would be fools not to appeal to it, writes Kerry Brown
Yao Yang, Professor, China Center for Economic Research
Aug 24, 2013
Considering the lack of progress toward implementing financial reforms, many analysts question whether China’s leaders have the economy under control. As China’s leaders prepare for their annual summer meeting, Yao Yang urges the adoption of a bold plan for structural reform.
Chen Qun, Former VP, China Law Press
Aug 19, 2013
With the Bo Xilai trial commencing this week, Chen Qun writes that corruption has become the primary evil that the government must tackle, as it has stood in the way of reform and opening-up and has become a mortal malady afflicting the popularity of the government and the Party.
Qin Xiaoying, Research Scholar, China Foundation For Int'l and Strategic Studies
Aug 16, 2013
The current prosecution of Bo Xilai clearly shows that the judicial system in China is moving out of political intervention and toward greater independence, more considerations to the person and greater fairness, writes Qin Xiaoying.
Joe Zhang, Chairman, a Guangzhou Microcredit Company
Aug 15, 2013
In the past year, with a slowing Chinese economy coming under increased scrutiny, local government financing vehicles have become a source of concern. However, Joe Zhang dismisses these alarmist predictions and forecasts an “inevitable wave of privatization” for local Chinese government projects.
Aug 15, 2013
Scholars have compared the American Dream and Chinese Dream, even encouraging China to avoid following in the footsteps of the American Dream. However, with all the nuances to the American Dream, China can learn from it and apply it to realize its own Chinese Dream.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Aug 13, 2013
Chen Xiangyang analyzes the growing pains of emerging nations, and suggests that China must learn from other countries' "mistakes" and make sure not to repeat them by doing everything necessary to ensure its own lasting political stability and social harmony.
Eric Li, Venture Capitalist
Aug 13, 2013
Eric Li challenges Western assumptions about competing political systems. He writes that China's political model will never supplant electoral democracy, because unlike the latter, it doesn't pretend to be universal and cannot be exported. The significance of China's example is not that it provides an alternative, but the demonstration that alternatives exist.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Aug 10, 2013
In the fall, China will initiate a massive urbanization plan, which could fuel the mainland’s growth prospects in the next two decades. The United States can only provide limited guidance to Chinese policymakers who are tackling challenges of an unprecedented magnitude.
Ma Jiali, Director, China Reform Forum
Aug 08, 2013
After a year of delay, the trial of Bo Xilai, the former Communist Party secretary of Chongqing municipality, is finally about to begin. Ma Jian describes his real offense is that he challenged the Chinese Communist Party’s way of doing things.