Chen Qun, Former VP, China Law Press
Nov 08, 2013
One has full reason to expect that the CPC Central Committee’s third plenum will inject new force into China’s development by reshaping its economy and lend a strong push to the world economy in its recovery, writes Chen Qun.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Nov 08, 2013
Chinese leaders have an unenviable problem--how to sustain its explosive economic rise. They have a dragon by the tail as they try to manage economic growth as it shows signs of sputtering, writes Tom Watkins.
Ding Yifan, China Forum Expert and Deputy Director of China Development Research Center
Nov 07, 2013
The upcoming Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, slated for November 9-12, has become a hot topic in the media. It is expected that future reforms will mainly focus on four aspects, writes Ding Yifan.
Cheng Li, Director, John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution
Nov 04, 2013
The pessimistic outlook on China’s Third Plenum fails to capture the leadership’s momentum, sense of urgency, and collective understanding of the need to embark on big, bold and broad reforms to gain public support before it’s too late, write Cheng Li and Ryan McElveen.
Douglas Paal, Vice President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Nov 01, 2013
The Third Plenum of the 18th Party Congress is likely to entail significant financial reform, the Party appears unready to contemplate a more liberal course or a fundamental change in the nature of its governance, writes Douglas Paal.
Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies, Lau China Institute at King's College, London
Oct 21, 2013
The Third Plenum will be the first major opportunity under China’s new leadership to see how they plan to approach the two major goals of economic and social reform, writes Kerry Brown.
Rana Mitter, Professor of the history and politics of modern China at Oxford University
Oct 19, 2013
The Chinese contributions towards the allied victory of World War II are often overlooked and because of this China has seen little reward for its efforts since war’s end. However, modern ties with the west have opened the door for China to build on relationships, end lingering issues and gain true recognition for its contributions.
Joan Johnson-Freese, Professor, US Naval War College
Oct 19, 2013
On its opening weekend in the US, the movie “Gravity” grossed $55.8 million, the highest October opening ever. However, how well will the movie open in China?
Ryan Todd, History & East Asian Studies Graduate, Pepperdine University
Oct 09, 2013
While the thought of transplanting your entire life to a remote region of the globe is daunting to most, an expatriate with experience living throughout the Asia-Pacific explains that nearly anyone can find success in China with the proper planning and priorities.
Henry Paulson, Former US Secretary of Treasury
Oct 08, 2013
The Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party’s 18th National Congress is a pivotal meeting for China’s new leaders, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang. As Henry M. Paulson Jr. explains, there are four reasons to be optimistic about China’s potential economic restructuring in November.