Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Jan 02, 2014
China was hardly lacking in policy pronouncements in the final months of 2013. But, seen in their entirety, the risk of incoherence has become evident, writes Stephen Roach.
Chung-yue Chang, Philosophy Teacher, Montclair State University
Dec 30, 2013
For China, the nation and the civilization, "socialism with Chinese characteristics" has become a directional guide. And this directional guide, rooted both in its immediate revolutionary past and in its long cultural heritage, is guiding China forward, for the realization of the Chinese Dream in the short term and for further development of its civilization in the long run, writes Chung-yue Chang.
Eric Li, Venture Capitalist
Dec 28, 2013
"The history of the world is but biography of great men." Mao Zedong, whose life left indelible marks on the lives of more than a billion people and changed the trajectory of the world, is to be studied with care and thoughtfulness, not to be judged with moral expediency, writes Eric Li.
Douglas Paal, Vice President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Dec 27, 2013
You may have missed the funeral, but China’s new leadership has quietly buried the admonition of former leader Deng Xiaoping that as China rises in wealth and power it should maintain a low profile (known as taoguang yanghui), writes Douglas Paal.
Yu Yongding, Former President, China Society of World Economics
Dec 23, 2013
At the recent Third Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee, China's leaders produced a 60-point "resolution" covering six areas. But a shopping list of reform objectives – many of which were not as bold or novel as promised – is inadequate to address the deep contradictions undermining China’s development.
William Overholt, Senior Fellow, Fung Global Institute
Dec 19, 2013
Before China’s leadership transition earlier this year, experts said that the Chinese Communist Party was intent on preventing a larger-than-life personality from assuming power. However, a year has passed, the new-style leadership, a form of managed charisma, seems collectively designed to serve national needs, writes William H. Overholt.
Ma Jiali, Director, China Reform Forum
Dec 19, 2013
With the advent of the Chinese dream at the 18th CPC Congress, many international relations experts have attempted to compare the Chinese and the American dream. But now, Ma Jilali focuses on the Indian dream and how each nation’s respective dream could boost cooperation between the countries.
Ryan Todd, History & East Asian Studies Graduate, Pepperdine University
Dec 14, 2013
The opportunity to study abroad in China should not be missed. As the number of American students studying abroad increases, Ryan Todd explains why the opportunities in China make it the top choice for students.
Dec 13, 2013
Renowned business commentators Shi Mingshen and Li Zhenyu weigh in on the biggest bright spot of China's economic reform pledges and its significant, wide-ranging implications.
Chen Qun, Former VP, China Law Press
Dec 09, 2013
China’s recent decision to eliminate the process of reeducation-through-labor will not be an easy process but demonstrates the government’s dedication to form a system of consistent legal mechanisms. The arrangement, which has existed since the 1950s faced issues of inconsistent legislation and execution along with the opportunity for political leverage.