Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
Apr 13, 2017
Contrary to some commentary, the American political system has not been swept away by a wave of populism, and no one should underestimate US institutions.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Apr 05, 2017
Chinese President Xi Jinping has responded to Donald Trump’s anti-trade rhetoric by backing “openness” and “economic liberalization.” He said protectionism was like “locking yourself in a dark room.” Although his message was welcome, many in the West observed that his government followed a very different course at home, cracking down on contact with foreign people and thoughts.
Alison Friedman, Founding Director, Ping Pong Productions
Apr 05, 2017
Artists in every country face funding challenges, so what is unique about China’s situation? One word: change.
Cheng Li, Director, John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution
Mar 30, 2017
At a time when male-dominance in political leadership is being challenged in many parts of the world, the PRC public is likely to take greater notice of the gender imbalance within China’s political elite. Although the PRC party-state system has successfully incorporated a broader range of backgrounds and viewpoints over time, China lags behind global trends in elevating female leaders. Unless Xi and the CCP leadership prioritize vigorous institutional reforms to address this issue now, the insufficient representation of women leaders will remain a notable deficiency of the PRC party-state system for the years to come.
Curtis S. Chin, Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank
Mar 27, 2017
Cities in China and across Asia are growing outwards and upwards at breakneck speed. Livable, dynamic and vibrant cities are greater testament to a country’s prosperity and policy successes than any number of skyscrapers, no matter how big or how tall. As cities in America and China build higher, it is what is sustained below that will matter most.
Wang Yiwei, Jean Monnet Chair Professor, Renmin University of China
Mar 17, 2017
Chinese consultative democracy, as embodied in the “two sessions”, is enriching global understanding of democratic institutions. The advantages of the Chinese political system lie in the fact that it takes into consideration both democracy and centralization, efficiency and fairness, outcome and procedure.
Jamie Metzl, Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Mar 01, 2017
As two of the most advanced countries engaged with these technologies and global leaders, the United States and China must together play a leading role in ensuring that the genetic revolution enhances human health and well-being and that the worst dystopian fears can be avoided.
Cheng Li, Director, John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution
Lucy Xu, Senior Research Assistant, Thornton China Center
Feb 21, 2017
Can business leaders become central players in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership? The recent rise of provincial chiefs (governors and provincial party secretaries) who have experience as top commanders of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) suggests that these individuals will play a more pronounced role in Chinese politics in the years ahead.
Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College
Feb 08, 2017
Politically, grabbing one of China’s most well-connected tycoons sends a powerful message to the “tigers” who have so far survived Xi’s anti-corruption drive. However, to destroy the corruption market requires more than the arrest and incarceration of the participants but fundamental economic reform.
Curtis S. Chin, Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank
Feb 08, 2017
As the consequences of the still evolving temporary travel ban to the United States put in place by the Administration of U.S. President Donald Trump continue to play out, policy makers need to keep in mind that understanding begins with engagement.