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December 01, 2023
Focus This Week
A community space to discuss the China-U.S. relationship and beyond.

Photographed: Dr. Henry Kissinger, CUSEF Honorary Advisor, and Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, CUSEF Founder and Chairman Emeritus

In Tribute to CUSEF Honorary Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger

The world changed when President Richard Nixon visited Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou in February 1972. Those seven days paved the way, seven years later, for the normalization of U.S.-China diplomatic ties, which in turn helped bring forward the end date of the Cold War and ushered in a new era of global peace and prosperity. But none of these events would have been possible were it not for Dr. Henry Kissinger, the American Secretary of State whose secret trips to China in 1971 led to Nixon's own historic journey one year later.

Dr. Kissinger served as Honorary Advisor of the China-United States Exchange Foundation from its establishment in 2008 until his passing. In this role, he worked closely with our Founder and Chairman Emeritus Mr. Tung Chee-hwa. They shared a long, personal friendship based on their commitment to the well being of the American and Chinese people.

Together, they believed in the potential of this compelling alliance of 1.7 billion people, and they championed its outcomes for the benefit of the global common good. At this time, we thank Dr. Kissinger for his 15 years of service to CUSEF, and we pay tribute to his enduring contribution to two countries he cared so deeply for. He played an invaluable role in enhancing trust and understanding between the U.S. and China—a legacy we strive to uphold each day at CUSEF.

The passing of Dr. Kissinger comes in the same week when President Jimmy Carter, who normalized relations with Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, led mourners at the funeral of his wife Mrs. Rosalynn Carter. It is a stark reminder that many of the giants of modern U.S.-China relations have long retired from active public life due to advanced age. President Carter, 99, was only a year younger than Dr. Kissinger who celebrated his centenary in May. Now more than ever, CUSEF re-commits itself to nurturing the next generation of young leaders who will aspire to the example of the people who walked before them.

We offer our deepest condolences to Mrs. Nancy Kissinger and the Kissinger family. His immense impact will not be forgotten.

Read the official statement from CUSEF here.

Focus Insights
Quote of the Week
"China-U.S. relations have a precious short window of time for stabilization and improvement from now until the U.S. presidential election next year."
Zhang Yun
Associate Professor at National Niigata University in Japan

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Notable Number

The percentage Chinese manufacturing contributes to the total global manufacturing output.

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Question of the Week:

In our Focus Insights section, we shared an article by Sun Chenghao about the implications and considerations for China's foreign policy following the meeting between Presidents Xi and Biden in San Francisco.

We want to hear from you:

What specific challenges might the U.S. face in maintaining a consistent approach toward China, especially in light of potential shifts in political stance due to the upcoming U.S. elections, and how might these challenges influence the trajectory of bilateral relations?

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Prepared by China-US Focus editorial teams in Hong Kong and New York, this weekly newsletter offers you snap shots of latest trends and developments emerging from China and the U.S. every week. It is a community space to exchange thoughts and ideas about the China-U.S. relationship and beyond.

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